
Pulse Archive

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Legacy Pulse Installers

These Pulse installers are provided as-is for customers using products with perpetual licenses, or products that allow installation on top of Pulse. While they are provided, no support is being provided at this time for legacy Pulse installations outside of MyEclipse, or if you have a private relationship already established with Genuitec.
Windows for XP and above
pulse4-win32.exe Executable For the easiest experience, install using a native executable.
pulse4-win32.zip Zip of Stand-alone Installer Allows you to install Pulse using an Eclipse-based product.
pulse4-win64.zip Zip of Installer for 64 bit PCs Support for installing with 64bit JREs on Windows.
oneinstall-tools-4.4-windows.exe OneInstall Tooling Installer Support for building OneInstall installers including free trialing.
oneinstall-agent-4.4-windows.exe OneInstall Agent Installer Enables support for installing .oneinstall lineups for easy team collaboration.
Macintosh OS X for version 10.4 and above
pulse4-macosx.tgz Tar Bundle Open the disk image and double-click the Pulse icon to install Pulse.
oneinstall-tools-4.4-macosx.dmg OneInstall Tooling Installer Support for building OneInstall installers including free trialing.
oneinstall-agent-4.4-macosx.dmg OneInstall Agent Installer Enables support for installing .oneinstall lineups for easy team collaboration.
Linux for most GTK-based x86 systems
pulse4-linux-gtk-x86.tgz Tar Bundle Extract the bundle and run pulse-install to configure Pulse on your system.
pulse4-linux-gtk-x86_64.tgz Tar Bundle for 64 bit PCs Extract the bundle and run pulse-install to configure Pulse on yoursystem.
oneinstall-tools-4.4-linux.run OneInstall Tooling Installer Support for building OneInstall installers including free trialing.
oneinstall-agent-4.4-linux.run OneInstall Agent Installer Enables support for installing .oneinstall lineups for easy team collaboration.