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About Copilot4Eclipse, GitHub Copilot & Data Privacy

About the license for Copilot4Eclipse

Genuitec, LLC is the licensor of the Copilot4Eclipse plugin. The end user license for this plugin is the Copilot4Eclipse EULA. GitHub, Inc. has no responsibility or liability for or in connection with the plugin or such agreement.

GitHub Copilot—What you need to know

Key Points: You will need a GitHub Copilot subscription to use Copilot4Eclipse. GitHub Copilot subscriptions are available from GitHub Inc. and are subject to the GitHub Copilot Terms of Use for your subscription type.

If you’re new to GitHub Copilot, it is a commercial AI coding service and tools based on OpenAI’s ChatGPT technology that has been specialized for coding in many programming languages. The GitHub Copilot services and tools are developed and supported by GitHub and are available as a subscription service.

If you are thinking, not another subscription service, know that over 1.3 million developers and over 50,000 organizations have adopted GitHub Copilot and made it the overwhelming choice among AI-based coding tools.

Finally please be aware that use of Copilot4Eclipse is subject to the Copilot end user license agreement. Your GitHub Copilot subscription includes a separate and independent terms of use between you and GitHub, Inc.

Data Privacy and Handling

Data Transmission

Copilot4Eclipse passes all user data (e.g., source code, filenames, chat prompts and file context) except user preferences directly to GitHub Copilot over TLS secured internet connections. GitHub Copilot manages this data according to the user’s GitHub Copilot subscription type: individual subscription or business subscription. No user data is communicated from Copilot4Eclipse to any Genuitec computer or any 3rd party computer. Vist the GitHub Copilot Trust Center to learn how Copilot services use your data.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Copilot4Eclipse does not directly analyze any user data beyond the Copilot4Eclipse user preferences.

Data Persistence and Storage

Copilot4Eclipse stores user preferences and Chat conversations on the user's local computer in subfolders of the current Eclipse workspace folder, see the Copilot4Eclipse FAQ for details of the data stored locally. User preferences consist of user-created parameters that are used by Copilot4Eclipse to customizing its user experience for the user. Chat conversations consist of the user prompts, (e.g., questions, instructions, commands), and GitHub Copilot responses for each prompt. Conversations are stored in a single Exodus database file and persists until the user deletes them individually or collectively.