
Replace long wrapping text example

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  • #323264 Reply


    Example: Dynamic Long Wrapping Text Replacement

    Occasionally a user interface will need to dynamically replace or update the content of a Text widget. This example demonstrates using the Visual Designer to reserve space in your UI for long wrapping text that will be updated programmatically.

    Step-1: Add a Text widget to your screen design

    Step-2: Enter the default content of the text widget
    – double click the text widget and type-in the text
    – remember you can add new lines using Control key + Return

    Step-3: Pad the text widget’s width and height with additional white space that you expect to need at runtime with longer text
    See attachment replace-text-example-dcseries.png
    Step-4: At runtime use a snippet of javascript code to update the text widgets content
    In this example I use a button who’s OnClick handler is a Run JavaScript action that calls a text replacement function. The button cycles through 3 different length messages from single line text to a long multiline text.

    example jquery code: $(‘#m1-replace-wrapping-text-text1’).text(longAssMsg);

    Here is a runtime sequence of cycling through and replacing the default text with different length strings when user clicks the Update Text button.
    See attachment replace-text-example-series.png

    Source Code
    See attachment dynamic-replace-wrapping-text.zip

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    #323462 Reply


    Hi Wayne
    your example run as well in portrait mode but how i can do a auto resize in landscape mode?
    i tried but my text is under screen right border

    #323466 Reply



    The original example was quick and dirty. It did not take into account different orientations or screen sizes. Here is a small tweak that enables the text widget to resize to maintain it’s left and right margins. I hope this helps with your layout.

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    #323481 Reply


    Ok Wayne, i found where is my problem
    i placed a planel transparent widget to allow vertical scrollin for long remote texts.
    i allow dynamic resize for panel and text widget like you screen capture but i’ve not the same result.

    #323484 Reply



    Can you post an example design file that exhibits the issue. Also let’s move this coversation back to the original thread on the Getting Help forum.

    #326787 Reply


    I tried that ctrl + return and it doesn’t work for me to add another line. Is there a reason why it might now me working. Right now I have the trail version.

    Nathan A. Zeh

    #326788 Reply


    @nzeh wrote:

    I tried that ctrl + return and it doesn’t work for me to add another line. Is there a reason why it might now me working. Right now I have the trail version.

    Nathan A. Zeh

    Found out it isn’t ctrl + return…. It’s shift + return…..

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