
Old rss feeds

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  • #336311 Reply


    support,, Ive checked the posting,, I was unable to find a way to, Only view current feeds, and exclude old feeds or yesterdays feeds. I hope this isn’t a redundant question, I’m sorry if it is. I asked the question on the rss example but it was unanswered,, I don’t know if its buried or you guys are too busy. thank you

    #336313 Reply


    I don’t know where are you getting your feeds, but let me share a couple thoughts:

    1) If you can modify the way that server give you the information, you should modify it to get only feeds of “today”.

    2) If you are getting the feeds from other source that you can’t modify, you will need medium-advance javascript skills to analize data and extract just the ones that you need. My first thought is analize the feeds and discard all of them that doesn’t belong to current date, and add the good ones to list, be careful with the panel height as it shouldn’t have the same size if all items would be shown. You will need to calculate it depending how many feeds match with your requirement.

    #336324 Reply


    Thank you Octavio.. Ill give it a shot..

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