
MyEclipse for Spring Reference – Wizards

1. Scaffold Spring CRUD Application Wizard

Scaffolding can generate full or major portions of an application by applying standard application patterns from a minimal set of existing artifacts provided by the developer. This wizard is used for all CRUD application scaffolding functions.

Note: Spring scaffolding requires a MyEclipse Spring or Bling subscription.


Outputs – one or more application layers
This wizard has many panels for guiding you through the scaffolding process. The wizard dynamically determines the relevant panels based on the artifacts you are scaffolding from and the configuration of the project. The three most common scaffolding scenarios are:

Scaffolding from Java Beans

Scaffold Spring CRUD Application >> Select Artifact Type(s) >> Select Artifacts >> Select Primary Keys >> Application Layers  and Packages >> Select Web Client >> Customize User Interface >> Persistence Connection >> Target Folders >> Summary

Scaffolding from JPA Entities and Spring DSL Domain Objects

Scaffold Spring CRUD Application >> Select Artifact Type(s) >> Select Artifacts >> Application Layers and Packages >> Select Web Client >> Customize User Interface >> Persistence Connection >> Target Folders >> Summary

Scaffolding from Database Tables

Scaffold Spring CRUD Application >> Select Artifact Type(s) >> Select DB Connection >> Select Tables >> DB Scaffolding Options >> Application Layers and Packages >> Select Web Client >> Customize User Interface >> Target Folders >> Summary


    • If you are using the Spring DSL, the scaffolding wizard also adds the corresponding  Spring DSL artifacts (model packages, controllers, services, etc…)  for all scaffolded application components to your project. They appear in the Spring DSL view of your project, and you can maintain and enhance the scaffolded  artifacts using the Spring DSL and Spring DSL Editors.
    • Additional pages could be included in the wizard allowing you to set Spring-specific options and capabilities settings.

2.1 Select Artifact Type(s)

The Select Artifact Types page is used for specifying which type of artifacts (i.e., database tables, JPA entities, Java Beans) should be used as inputs to scaffolding. You can select from multiple artifact types.

Scaffold Spring CRUD Application – Select Artifact Type(s) page

Note: This page is shown only when the scaffolding wizard is invoked from the toolbar or the project. When scaffolding is invoked by right-clicking a Java artifact, this page is skipped.

Database SchemaFor scaffolding from existing database tables (reverse-engineering of schema). You are prompted for a database connection to select the database tables that should be used for scaffolding. Scaffolding from a database schema must be done independently from the other artifact types. When you select the Database Schema option, the other artifact types are disabled. You need to re-run this wizard to scaffold from JPA Entities, Java Beans or Spring DSL Domain Objects.
JPA EntitiesFor scaffolding from existing JPA Entities in the current project. The wizard scans for classes that have the @Entity annotation.
Java BeansFor scaffolding from existing Java beans in the current project. The wizard scans for non-annotated Java classes that follow the Java bean convention (getters/setters for class attributes and zero arg constructor).
Spring DSL Domain ObjectsFor scaffolding from existing Spring DSL Domain Objects. This option is shown only when the current project has the Spring DSL enabled (using the Enable Spring DSL wizard). The wizard scans for all Spring DSL Domain Objects.

Note: Using the database schema option must be done separately from the JPA Entity, Java Bean, and Spring DSL Domain Object options. If you want to scaffold from a database schema and other artifact types, you can run the wizard once using the database schema artifact type and then rerun the wizard with other artifact types.

2.2 Select Artifacts for Scaffolding

The Select Artifacts for Scaffolding page scans the project for specified artifact types and lets you select the specific artifacts to be used for scaffolding.

Scaffold Spring CRUD Application – Select Artifacts for Scaffolding page
Matching ArtifactsList of artifacts available from which to scaffold. This list is derived by the wizard by scanning the selected project or folder for artifacts that match the specified artifact type(s).
Select ArtifactsList of selected artifacts for scaffolding. The artifacts are selected by adding them from the Matching Artifacts list.

2.3 Select Primary Keys (for Java bean scaffolding only)

The Select Primary Key(s) page is for specifying the fields for any selected Java bean(s) that uniquely identify an instance of the Java bean.

Note: Since database tables, JPA entities, and Spring DSL domain objects already have declared primary keys, this page is applicable only for Java Bean scaffolding.

Scaffold Spring CRUD Application – Select Primary Key(s) page
Scaffolding InputsLists all Java beans selected for scaffolding and require the specification of primary keys.
Primary KeysAs each Java bean is selected, the fields of the Java bean are listed. One or more fields must be specified as the primary key for each bean in the Java beans table.

2.4 Application Layers and Packages

The Application Layers and Packages page is used for selecting which application layers are scaffolded and what package name should be used for generated Java/Spring code.

The selections on this page depend on what you’re trying to generate. By default all layers are enabled, and this results in the generation of a fully implemented application for the web clients you select on the next page (i.e., Spring MVC, Spring Web Flow, JavaServer Pages (JSP 2.0), Adobe Flex, Google Web Toolkit (GWT), and iPhone). However, in some cases you might want to only scaffold a few layers of the application. For example, you might already have implemented the JPA and DAO layer by hand or with other tooling, and you only want to scaffold the web layer and service layer. Perhaps you are planning to implement your back-end with Spring, but you want to implement the web layer with a different technology currently supported by scaffolding. In that case, you would probably only want to scaffold the service, domain, and data access layers.

Note: The selections on this page apply to all artifacts selected on previous wizard pages. If you want a different scaffolding configuration for different artifacts (or set of artifacts), then split the artifacts into groups that require similar scaffolding, and run this wizard once for each group.

Scaffold Spring CRUD Application – Application Layers and Packages page
Base PackageThe base package name for all scaffolded application layers. The package name for all others layers is derived from the base package. For each layer, a sub-package (web, service, DAO, and domain) is appended to the base package.
Scaffold web layer artifactsSelected by default. Specifies whether the web layer is scaffolded, including Spring controllers (@Controller), Spring components (@Component), JUnit tests, JSP pages, Sitemesh configurations, localization files, and web layer Spring context files.
Package (web)The package name for all generated Java source code for the web layer. If base package is specified, by default the package name is derived by appending .web to the base package. It can be overridden.
Scaffold service layer artifactsSelected by default. Specifies whether the service layer is scaffolded, including including Spring services (@Service), service interfaces, JUnit tests, and service layer Spring context files.
Package (service)The package name for all generated Java source code for the service layer. If base package is specified, by default the package name is derived by appending .service to the base package. It can be overridden.
Scaffold DAO layer artifactsSelected by default. Specifies whether the data access object (DAO) layer is scaffolded, including Spring data access objects (@Repository), JPA named queries (@NamedQueries), JUnit tests, and DAO layer Spring context files.
Package (DAO)The package name for all generated Java source code for the DAO layer. If base package is specified, by default the package name is derived by appending .dao to the base package. It can be overridden.
Package (domain layer)The package name for all generated Java source code for the domain layer. If base package is specified, by default the package name is derived by appending .domain to the base package. It can be overridden.


    • By default the web, service, DAO, and domain package names are derived from the input artifact package name, and the package name can be overridden. If you are scaffolding multiple artifacts and you want code generated to packages relative to input artifact, then you can use the ${domainPackage} and ${domainPackageParent} tokens to refer the input artifact’s package or parent package, respectively.
    • When scaffolding from a database schema, there isn’t a Java class from which to derive a package name. So the package names are empty, and you must provide the package name.
    • The package selector is only for specifying the package name. Specify where you want the code generated on the Select Target Folders page

2.5 Select Web Clients

The Select Web Clients page is used for the specifying the desired web layer implementations for the current scaffolding.

Scaffold Spring CRUD Application – Select Web Client page
Spring MVCGenerates a front-end using Spring MVC. See Spring MVC scaffolding blueprint for details on what gets generated.
Spring Web FlowGenerates a front-end using Spring Web Flow. See Spring Web Flow scaffolding blueprint for details on what gets generated.
Adobe FlexGenerates a front-end using Adobe Flex. See Adobe Flex scaffolding blueprint for details on what gets generated.
GWTGenerates a front-end using GWT. See GWT scaffolding blueprint for details on what gets generated.
iPhoneGenerates a front-end using iPhone. See iPhone scaffolding blueprint for details on what gets generated.
JavaServer FacesGenerates a front-end using JavaServer Faces. See JavaServer Faces scaffolding blueprint for details on what gets generated.

2.6 Flex Options

The Flex Options page is used for specifying configuration information for Flex scaffolding. Currently the only option is to specify the home folder of the Flex SDK. By default this panel specifies the Flex SDK instance that is included with MyEclipse for Spring, but you can specify a different instance of the SDK by selecting it from the file system.

Scaffold Spring CRUD Application – Flex Options page
Flex SDK HomeSpecify the folder where Flex SDK is installed. Flex SDK can be downloaded from Adobe.
Flex VersionSpecify the version of Adobe Flex for which to generate.

2.7 GWT Options

The GWT Options page is for specifying configuration information for GWT scaffolding, specifically which version of GWT application should be generated.

Scaffold Spring CRUD Application – GWT Options page
GWT VersionUsed to specify whether to generate for GWT 2.0 or GWT 2.1

2.8 REST Options

The REST Options page is for specifying configuration information for REST web services.

Scaffold Spring CRUD Application – REST Options page
REST / JSON SupportChoose to support REST and/or JSON in the application

2.9 Customize User Interface

The Customize User Interface page is for specifying which fields should be included in the generated list and picker UI components. Furthermore, you can customize the table headers. By default the field names are used as the table headers, but they can be changed by clicking the field and editing the field name.

Scaffold Spring CRUD Application – Customize User Interface page
Table / Fields

Lists all the fields sorted by domain object and web client. These are field names used when generating UI components for the web layer. The default field names are derived from the underlying domain objects, but the field names can be changed by double-clicking a field name and entering a new value.

When scaffolding multiple web clients, each web client selected from the select web client page are listed separately in this table,and the configuration of one web client affects the configuration of the other web clients. If you want to configure each web client independently (e.g., due to different requirements), then deselect the Propagate Changes to All Web Clients checkbox.

ListSpecifies whether or not the field name should be included in list UI components.
PickerSpecifies whether or not the field name should be included in picker UI components. Currently this is applicable only to GWT web clients.

Note: Currently the Picker UI components are generated only for GWT. If you aren’t scaffolding for GWT, the Picker column is disabled.

2.10 Specify Persistence Connection

The Specify Persistence Connection page is for configuring the runtime persistence connection of the scaffolded application by selecting a workspace database connection. The selected database connection properties are used to configure the persistence connection properties for the scaffolded application.

Scaffold Spring CRUD Application – Specify Persistence Connection page
DB ConnectionLists all current MyEclipse DB connections. Select the connection that should be used to configure the application’s runtime persistence connection.

Note: This panel is not displayed when scaffolding from a database schema because the runtime persistence connection is automatically set to the DB connection used for selecting the tables to reverse engineer for scaffolding.

2.11 Runtime Dependencies

The Runtime Dependencies page is for adding dependent libraries to the current project. While you can independently add and remove libraries from the project, this page can bootstrap the project with a full set of libraries typically needed by a Spring application, including Spring libraries plus many other runtime libraries.

You can add project dependencies in three ways:

  • Copy libraries to a project folder (lib), and add libraries to the build path. Benefit: more portable projects because projects aren’t reliant on MyEclipse plugins.
  • Use Eclipse classpath containers, and add classpath containers to the build path. Benefit: smaller projects because libs are included.
  • Update Maven POM files. Benefit: Maven manages dependencies.
      The libraries to add to the current project can be enabled or disabled by library group or library. The library groups can be expanded to see the specific libraries and versions.

      Scaffold Spring CRUD Application – Runtime Dependencies page
      Add Custom JAR

      Allows you to add your own JAR file to the library

      Remove Custom JARAllows you to remove your own JAR file from the library
      Enable project specific advanced configuration

      Some add-ons appear based on other facets the project has configured. Enable this option to show all add-ons regardless of other configured facets.

      When disabled, you cannot select individual JARs within add-ons, you get either all JARs provided by an add-on or none of them. Enabling this option removes this restriction, allowing you to select individual JARs.

      2.12 Select Scaffolding Options

      The Scaffolding options page is for specifying whether pre-existing artifacts should be updated. If these artifacts already exist in the project, you have the option of specifying whether they should be overwritten or skipped.

      Scaffold Spring CRUD Application – Scaffolding Options page

      2.13 Select Target Folders

      The Select Target Folders page is for specifying where source code, configuration files, and dependent libraries should be installed.

      Note: This page is not shown when the project has the Spring DSL enabled. If the project has been enabled, then the required information in this page is derived from the code generation configuration.

      Scaffold Spring CRUD Application – Select Target Folders page
      Source FolderSpecify the destination folder forgenerated Java code.
      Resources FolderSpecify the destination folder forgenerated configuration files.
      Use JTA TransactionsEnables EntityManager creating and tracking by the container as opposed to RESOURCE_LOCAL transactions, which requires developer responsibility for EntityManager creating and tracking.
      Persistence ProviderHibernate is required for JTA transactions.
      Application Context FileSpecify the file into which application layer-specific files are imported.

      2.14 Select DB Connection (for DB scaffolding only)

      The Select DB Connection page is for specifying the database connection for accessing the database tables to be reverse-engineered for scaffolding.

      Scaffold Spring CRUD Application – Select DB Connection page
      DB ConnectionLists all current MyEclipse DB connections. Select the connection for accessing DB tables.

      2.15 Select Database Tables (for DB scaffolding only)

      The Select Database Tables page is for selecting database tables to be reverse-engineered for scaffolding. Select the schema where the desired database tables are located. The dialects are defaulted based on data connection properties, but they can be overridden. Select the tables, including associated tables, to be used for scaffolding.

      Scaffold Spring CRUD Application – Select Database Tables page
      SchemaUsed to select the schema that includetables from which to scaffold. The schema drop-down listsall schemas from the selected database connection.
      DialectThe Hibernate dialect to use thespecified database. This value is defaulted according tothe selected database connection.
      MetaData DialectThe Hibernate dialect for reading metadata for allowing correct interaction with the data types in the database, generating the correct SQL, etc.
      TablesThe list of tables foundin the selected schema. This list is empty until a schemais selected.
      ScaffoldingThe list of tables to beused for scaffolding. One or more tables can be added from theTables list to the scaffolding list.

      2.16 Database Scaffolding Options (for DB scaffolding only)

      The Database Scaffolding Options page is for specifying parent objects and customizing object names. The table lists the objects to be generated. With scaffolding associations (e.g., one-to-many), the generated application enables associated objects to be managed as part of a parent object. Please check the objects that should be treated as parent objects. Deselected objects are treated as associated objects. The object name is automatically derived from the table name, but you can override the object name by double-clicking the name and specifying a new name.

      Scaffold Spring CRUD Application – Database Scaffolding Options page
      Java Object

      The derived name for the Java object. The Java object name is based on the table name. If table name doesn’t follow Java class naming conventions and rules, the default name could be slightly altered to conform. The Java object names can also be customized by double-clicking the name and entering a new name.

      You must specify at least one Java object as the parent object, which is the principle artifact(s) used for scaffolding user interfaces.

      TableThis is the table that the Java Object is being derived from. READ-ONLY

      2.17 Summary

      The Summary panel provides a summary of all the actions to be performed by the wizard when the Finish button is clicked.

      Scaffold Spring CRUD Application – Summary page

      3. Add Spring Runtime Dependencies

      The Add Spring Runtime Dependencies wizard is for adding dependent libraries to an Eclipse project. There are three steps to the wizard.

      Add Spring Runtime Dependencies >> Intro >> Runtime Dependencies

      Note: Additional pages could be included in the wizard allowing you to set Spring-specific options and capabilities settings.

      3.1 Intro

      The Intro page provides an overview of the wizard.

      Add Spring Runtime Dependencies- Intro page

      3.2 Runtime Dependencies

      The Runtime Dependencies page is for adding dependent libraries to the current project. While you can independently add and remove libraries from the project, this page can bootstrap the project with a full set of libraries typically needed by a Spring application, including Spring libraries plus many other runtime libraries.

      The libraries to add to the current project can be enabled or disabled by library group or library. The library groups can be expanded to see the specific libraries and versions.

      Add Spring Runtime Dependencies- Runtime Dependencies page
      Add Custom JAR

      Allows you to add your own JAR file to the library

      Remove Custom JARAllows you to remove your own JAR file from the library
      Enable project specific advanced configuration

      Some add-ons appear based on other facets the project has configured. Enable this option to show all add-ons regardless of other configured facets.

      When disabled, you cannot select individual JARs within add-ons, you get either all JARs provided by an add-on or none of them. Enabling this option removes this restriction, allowing you to select individual JARs.

      4. Scaffold Spring Security

      Security is an important part of a web application, and Spring Security provides a set of services that integrate with Spring-based applications. The Scaffold Spring Security wizard configures the application for Spring Security and secure services and URLs:

        • Database – using a DB security realm configured to use a scaffolded set of database tables (users and authorities)
        • LDAP – using LDAP security realm
        • In-Memory – using an in-memory security realm
      Here’s the flow of the wizard based on the chosen security option.

      Note: Additional pages could be included in the wizard allowing you to set Spring-specific options and capabilities settings.


      Scaffold Spring Security >> Overview >> Security Options [Database] >> Select Package >> Select DB Connection >> Secure Services >> Secure URLs >> Configured Views >> Summary


      Scaffold Spring Security >> Overview >> Security Options [LDAP] >> LDAP Configuration >> Secure Services >> Secure URLs >> Configured Views >> Summary


      Scaffold Spring Security >> Overview >> Security Options [In Memory] >> Secure Services >> Secure URLs >> Configured Views >> Summary

      Note: When scaffolding using the In-Memory option, the spring security context file is automatically configured with two users:

        • Name: admin : Password: admin : Role: ROLE_ADMIN
        • Name: user : Password: user : Role: ROLE_USER

      4.1 Overview

      The Overview page provides an introduction to the Scaffold Spring Security wizard.

      Scaffolding Spring Security- Overview page

      4.2 Security Options

      The Security Options page prompts you for the security type and password encoding.

      Scaffolding Spring Security- Select Options page
      Security Type

      The list of authentication providers that can be scaffolded:

        • Database – configures the DAO Authentication provider; uses database tables for Users and Authorities
        • LDAP – configured the LDAP Authentication provider; common in enterprise IT environments
        • In Memory – lightweight; uses context files or properties; great for initial development
          Password Encoding

          The list of password encoding options:

            • plaintext
            • sha
            • md5
            • md4

              4.3 Secure Services

              The Secure Services page scans your project for services (@Service and @Repository components) that can be secured. By default all services are secured (checked) and configured with IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED access. The wizard lets you unsecure the service and edit the access.

              Scaffolding Spring Security- Secure Services page
              ServiceThe application service found by the wizard by scanning the current project.
              SecuredSpecifies whether the service is to be secured. This option is enabled by default for all scanned services; however it can be disabled.
              AccessThe access attributes for the service. This could be authentication attributes (i.e., IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY, IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED, or IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY) or role names (i.e., ROLE_USER or ROLE_ADMIN).

              4.4 Secure URLs

              The Secure URLs page prompts you for URLs to be secured. Unlike the Secure Services page, the wizard secures only one URL (/secure/*) by default, and you must specify (add and remove) other URLs based on your security requirements.

              Scaffolding Spring Security- Secure URLs page
              URL PatternThe URL to be secured.
              SecuredSpecifies whether the service is to be secured. This option is enabled by default for all scanned services; however it can be disabled.
              AccessThe access attributes for the URL. This could be authentication attributes (i.e., IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY, IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED, or IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY) or role names (i.e., ROLE_USER or ROLE_ADMIN).

              4.5 Configured Views

              The Configured Views page is for specifying the URLs for various login pages.

              Scaffolding Spring Security- Configured Views page
              Login viewThe URL used to render the login page
              Login success viewA user will be taken to this URL after logging in, provided they were not asked to login while attempting to access a secured resource, at which they are taken to the originally requested URL.
              Always go to the login success view after authenticatingIf selected, the user will always be directed to the login success view URL, regardless of how they arrived at the login page.
              Login failure viewDefines the URL the browser is redirected to on login failure.
              Logout success viewThe destination URL the user is taken to after logging out. Defaults to “/”.
              Access denied viewThe destination URL the user is taken to if they don’t have priviledges for the secured resource.

              4.6 Select Target Folders

              The Select Target Folders page prompts you for the folder into which code is generated.

              Scaffolding Spring Security- Selected Target Folders page
              Source FolderSpecify the destination folder for generated Java code.
              Resources FolderSpecify the destination folder for generated configuration files.
              Use JTA TransactionsEnables EntityManager creating and tracking by the container as opposed to RESOURCE_LOCAL transactions, which requires developer responsibility for EntityManager creating and tracking.
              Persistence ProviderHibernate is required for JTA transactions.
              Application Context FileSpecify the file into which application layer-specific files are imported.

              4.7 Select Package (for DB security only)

              When using the database security option, this wizard generates to JPA entities for you. The User JPA entity and UserDAO data access object is for storing user credentials. The Authorities JPA entity and AuthoritiesDAO data access object is for storing authorization data. The Select Package page prompts you for the Java package for generated code.

              Scaffolding Spring Security- Select Package page
              PackageThe package for User/Authorities JPA entities and DAO.

              Note: The DB tables are automatically created for you, but you need to populate them with data.

              4.8 Select DB Connection (for DB security only)

              The Select DB Connection page prompts you for the database connection profile to be used for the persistence configuration of the User and Authorities DAOs.

              Scaffolding Spring Security- Select DB Connection page
              DB ConnectionLists all available MyEclipse DB connections. Select the DB connection to be used for the persistence configuration of the DAOs.

              4.9 LDAP Configuration (for LDAP security only)

              The LDAP Configuration page prompts you for the LDAP information.

              Scaffolding Spring Security- LDAP Configuration page

              URLURL to the external LDAP server against which authentication takes place
              Manager DNLDAP distinguished name, or full username mapping, of initial user
              Manager PasswordPassword of initial user
              Search BaseOrganization unit in which to search for a user match
              Search FilterFilter for matching user object or group membership in the directory
              Search SubtreeIncluded subtrees of the parent in the search
              Role AttributeName of the authority defined by the group
              Role PrefixAssigned prefix for all authority names
              Convert to UppercaseAutomatically convert the role prefix to all uppercase letters

              See LDAP Authentication information at http://static.springsource.org/spring-security/site/docs/3.1.x/reference/ldap.html

              4.10 Summary

              The Summary page provides a summary of all the actions to be performed by the wizard when the Finish button is clicked.

              Scaffolding Spring Security- Summary page

              5. Import WSDL

              MyEclipse can be used to implement a web service contract by importing the WSDL.

              Import WSDL >> Select WSDL >> Summary

              Note: Additional pages could be included in the wizard allowing you to set Spring-specific options and capabilities settings.

              5.1 Select WSDL

              The Select WSDL File page is for specifying the WSDL URL and specifying the package in which to store files.

              Import WSDL- Select WSDL File page
              WSDL LocationURL or file location of the WSDL document
              Target PackagePackage in which to save the imported WSDL files

              5.2 Summary

              The Summary page provides a summary of all the actions to be performed by the wizard when the Finish button is clicked.

              Import WSDL- Summary page

              6. Enable Spring DSL

              The Enable Spring DSL wizard is used to configure a project to use the Spring DSL. By default this wizard is set up with conventional defaults that enable all options. When clicking Finish from the Setup panel, default configuration options are applied to the current project. To customize the configuration, there are seven optional steps to the wizard.

              Enable Spring DSL >> Intro >> Web Layer Generation >> Service Layer Generation >> Domain Layer Generation >> Data Access Layer Generation >> Runtime Dependencies >> Summary


                • The Enable Spring DSL wizard provides a lot of flexibility, but the wizard is set by default with a typical Spring DSL configuration. You can just click the Finish button from the first panel, and the default configuration is applied to the selected project.
                • Additional pages could be included in the wizard allowing you to set Spring-specific options and capabilities settings.

              6.1 Intro

              The Intro page provides information about what the wizard will do.

              Enable Spring DSL- Setup page

              6.2 Web Layer Generation

              The Web Layer Generation page is used for enabling and configuring code generation for the web layer of a Spring application, including controllers (@Controller), JUnit tests, and web layer Spring context files.

              If enabled, this page lets you specify the project and folders to which you want to generate. While you will typically want to generate to the same project where the code generation metadata (Spring DSL) is stored, in some cases you might want to generate to a different project. For example, you might want to keep all metadata in one project and have all code and configuration files generated to another project. Alternatively, you might want to generate each layer to a separate project. In either case, you have full control over the target project and folders.

              Enable Spring DSL- Web Layer Generation page
              Enable web layer code generationThis enables generation of web layer artifacts from code generation metadata. If disabled, any current or new web layer metadata is ignored from a code generation standpoint. Web layer code generation can always be turned on/off or customized using the Code Generation page of the Spring DSL Editor.
              Target ProjectThe target project is the destination project for web layer code generation. While you will typically want to generate to the same project where the code generation metadata is stored (Generate to this project), in some cases you might want to generate to a different project (Generate to another Eclipse project).
              Target Project Configuration

              Specify the destination folder for generated Java code (Source folder), configuration files (Resources folder) and web content (Content). If the specified folders aren’t already configured as source folders, the Source and Resource folders are automatically added as source folders (see Java Build Path).

              For standard Eclipse web projects (non-Maven):

                • The default Source folder is the generated folder. This is done to keep the generated code separate from any existing source code, which by default is typically in the src folder. The wizard automatically configures the generated folder to be an Eclipse source folder. If you prefer to generate directly into your src folder, select the src folder from this page.

                • The default Resources folder is the resources folder. All application configuration files are generated here. The wizard automatically configures the generated folder to be an Eclipse source folder.

              For Maven-based projects:

                • The default Source Folder is the /src/main/java folder (per the Maven standard directory layout), and the wizard automatically configures this folder to be an Eclipse source folder. If this isn’t your source folder, then you must specify the source folder for your project.

              • The default Resources Folder is the /src/main/resources folder (per the Maven standard directory layout), and the wizard automatically configures this folder to be an Eclipse source folder. If this isn’t your resources folder, then you must specify the resources folder for your project.

              6.3 Service Layer Generation

              The Service Layer Generation page is used for enabling and configuring code generation for the service layer of a Spring application, including services (@Service), service interfaces, JAX-WS web services, direct web remoting (DWR) services, JUnit tests, and service layer Spring context files.

              If enabled, this page lets you specify the project and folders to which you want to generate. While you will typically want to generate to the same project where the code generation metadata (Spring DSL) is stored, in some cases you might want to generate to a different project. For example, you might want to keep metadata in one project and have all code and configuration files generated to another project. Alternatively, you might want to generate each layer to a separate project. In either case, you have full control over the target project and folders.

              Enable Spring DSL- Service Layer Generation page
              Enable service layer code generationThis enables generation of service layer artifacts from code generation metadata. If disabled, any current or new service layer metadata is ignored from a code generation standpoint. Service layer code generation can always be turned on/off or customized using the Code Generation page of the Project Editor.
              Target ProjectThe target project is the destination project for service layer code generation. While you will typically want to generate to the same project where the code generation metadata is stored (Generate to this project), in some cases you might want to generate to a different project (Generate to another Eclipse project).
              Target Project Configuration

              Specify the destination folder for generated Java code (Source folder) and configuration files (Resources folder). If the specified folders aren’t already configured as source folders, the Source and Resource folders are automatically added as source folders (see Java Build Path).

              For standard Eclipse web projects (non-Maven):

                • The default Source Folder is the generated folder. This is done to keep the generated code separate from any existing source code, which by default is typically in the src folder. The wizard automatically configures the generated folder to be an Eclipse source folder. If you prefer to generate directly into your src folder, select the src folder from this page.

                • The default Resources folder is the resources folder. All application configuration files are generated here. The wizard automatically configures the generated folder to be an Eclipse source folder.

              For Maven-based projects:

                • The default Source Folder is the /src/main/java folder (per the Maven standard directory layout), and the wizard automatically configures this folder to be an Eclipse source folder. If this isn’t your source folder, then you must specify the source folder for your project.

                • The default Resources Folder is the /src/main/resources folder (per the Maven standard directory layout), and the wizard automatically configures this folder to be an Eclipse source folder. If this isn’t your resources folder, then you must specify the resources folder for your project.

              6.4 Domain Layer Generation

              The Domain Layer Generation page is for enabling and configuring code generation for the domain layer of a Spring application, including POJOs, primary key classes, bean info classes, JPA Entities (@Entity), Spring Components (@Component), JUnit tests, and domain https://www.genuitec.com/products/myeclipse/learning-center/spring/overview-of-myeclipse-with-spring-support/ layer Spring context files.

              If enabled, this page lets you specify the project and folders to which you want to generate. While you will typically want to generate to the same project where the code generation metadata (Spring DSL) is stored, in some cases you might want to generate to a different project. For example, you might want to keep metadata in one project and have all code and configuration files generated to another project. Alternatively, you might want to generate each layer to a separate project. In either, case you have full control over the target project and folders.

              Enable Spring DSL- Domain Layer Generation page
              Enable domain layer code generationThis enables generation of domain layer artifacts from code generation metadata. If disabled, any current or new domain layer metadata is ignored from a code generation standpoint. Domain layer code generation can always be turned on/off or customized using the Code Generation page of the Project Editor.
              Target ProjectThe target project is the destination project for domain layer code generation. While you will typically want to generate to the same project where the code generation metadata is stored (Generate to this project), in some cases you might want to generate to a different project (Generate to another Eclipse project).
              Target Project Configuration

              Specify the destination folder for generated Java code (Source folder) and configuration files (Resources folder). If the specified folders aren’t already configured as source folders, the Source and Resource folders are automatically added as source folders (see Java Build Path).

              For standard Eclipse web projects(non-Maven):

              • The default Source Folder is the generated folder. This is done to keep the generated code separate from any existing source code, which by default is typically in the src folder. The wizard automatically configures the generated folder to be an Eclipse source folder. If you prefer to generate directly into your src folder, select thesrc folder from this panel.

              • The default Resources folder is the resources folder. All application configuration files are generated here. The wizard automatically configures the generated folder to be an Eclipse source folder.

              For Maven-basedprojects:

              • The default Source Folder is the /src/main/java folder (per the Maven standard directory layout), and the wizard automatically configures this folder to be an Eclipse source folder. If this isn’t your source folder, then you must specify the source folder for your project.

              • The default Resources Folder is the /src/main/resources folder (per the Maven standard directory layout), and the wizard automatically configures this folder to be an Eclipse source folder. If this isn’t your resources folder, then you must specify the resources folder for your project.

              6.5 Data Access Layer Generation

              The Data Access Layer Generation page is used for enabling and configuring code generation for the DAO layer of a Spring application, including Spring repositories (@Repository), JUnit tests, and DAO layer Spring context files.

              If enabled, this page lets you specify the project and folders to which you want to generate. While you will typically want to generate to the same project where the code generation metadata (Spring DSL) is stored, in some cases you might want to generate to a different project. For example, you might want to keep metadata in one project and have all code and configuration files generated to another project. Alternatively, you might want to generate each layer to a separate project. In either case, you have full control over the target project and folders.

              Enable Spring DSL- Data Access Layer Generation page
              Enable domain layer code generationThis enables generation of DAO layer artifacts from code generation metadata. If disabled, any current or new DAO layer metadata is ignored from a code generation standpoint. DAO layer code generation can always be turned on/off or customized using the Code Generation panel of the Project Editor.
              Target ProjectThe target project is the destination project for DAO layer code generation. While you will typically want to generate to the same project where the code generation metadata is stored (Generate to this project), in some cases you might want to generate to a different project (Generate to another Eclipse project).
              Target Project Configuration

              Specify the destination folder for generated Java code (Source folder) and configuration files (Resources folder). If the specified folders aren’t already configured as source folders, the Source and Resource folders are automatically added as source folders (see Java Build Path).

              For standard Eclipse web projects (non-Maven):

                • The default Source Folder is the generated folder. This is done to keep the generated code separate from any existing source code, which by default is typically in the src folder. The wizard automatically configures the generated folder to be an Eclipse source folder. If you prefer to generate directly into your src folder, select the src folder from this panel.

                • The default Resources folder is the resources folder. All application configuration files are generated here. The wizard automatically configures the generated folder to be an Eclipse source folder.

              For Maven-based projects:

                • The default Source Folder is the /src/main/java folder (per the Maven standard directory layout), and the wizard automatically configures this folder to be an Eclipse source folder. If this isn’t your source folder, then you must specify the source folder for your project.

                • The default Resources Folder is the /src/main/resources folder (per the Maven standard directory layout), and the wizard automatically configures this folder to be an Eclipse source folder. If this isn’t your resources folder, then you must specify the resources folder for your project.

              6.6 Configure Project Libraries

              The Configure Project Libraries page is for adding dependent libraries to the current project. While you can independently add and remove libraries from the project, this page can bootstrap the project with a full set of libraries typically needed by a Spring application, including Spring libraries plus many other runtime libraries.

              The libraries to add to the current project can be enabled or disabled by library group or library. The library groups can be expanded to see the specific libraries and versions.


                • Beware of duplicate dependencies. When running this wizard on pre-existing projects, many of the libraries could already exist in the current project. This wizard doesn’t take into account existing libraries, so special care must be taken when adding libraries. Dependent libraries don’t have to be added using this wizard. They can always be added later using the Add Spring Runtime Dependencies wizard.
                • This page adds dependencies to only the current project. If you need to add dependencies to another project (i.e., in a multi-project scenario), then you can add dependencies to the other target projects using the Add Spring Runtime Dependencies wizard.

                Enable Spring DSL- Runtime Dependencies page
                Add Custom JAR

                Allows you to add your own JAR file to the library

                Remove Custom JARAllows you to remove your own JAR file from the library
                Enable project specific advanced configuration

                Some add-ons appear based on other facets the project has configured. Enable this option to show all add-ons regardless of other configured facets.

                When disabled, you cannot select individual JARs within add-ons, you get either all JARs provided by an add-on or none of them. Enabling this option removes this restriction, allowing you to select individual JARs.

                6.7 Summary

                The Summary page provides a summary of the actions to be performed by the wizard when the Finish button is clicked.

                Enable Spring DSL- Summary page