
Custom install issue: Closed

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  • #331107 Reply



    Please try this new download link to access version 2.2.1 build-4:

    If norton complains please provide as much info as available, screenshots work great.

    #331157 Reply



    Still getting the same problem.

    I’m using Norton Internet Security 2012.

    More details of the issues are in the screen shot below.

    #331162 Reply



    This is odd that Norton did not have an issue with the 2.2.0 installer but now is complaining about the 2.2.1 installer file. There is no difference in the file structure or program structure of these 2 installers executables. Also both are signed and verifiable as our installers, straight off our build server. I the quarantine action details do not indicate any specific virus. But rather it states due to the program is new and few users. That seems like an overly conservative AV setting. My recommendation is to choose to unquarantine the installer file. Note we will be releasing the official MobiOne 2.2.1 update a little later today.

    #331203 Reply


    Ok, I restored the download and managed to install it.

    When clicking on the MobiOne icon, I now get this error message in the screenshot below.

    #331316 Reply


    bump bump bump

    #331321 Reply



    > bump!

    haven’t forgotten. Working on this today

    #331421 Reply


    looking forward…

    #331422 Reply


    looking forward…

    #331454 Reply

    Hi Trushar,

    We’ve release 2.2.2 version a few hours ago, could you try uninstall the current version and then use the new 2.2.2 installer? Find download here: https://www.genuitec.com/mobile/download.html

    #331469 Reply


    Now I get this error message when I try to uninstall!

    I tried uninstalling via control panel and from the one-uninstall button in the file.

    #331480 Reply


    I downloaded the new update (without being able to remove the version already on my laptop).

    I get these issues in the screen shots below.

    #331494 Reply


    We have a test env setup to replicate yours. After more investigation we are able to replicate the scenario you are experiencing and provided in your screenshots. As I understand it the root cause are the “!!” chars in your installation path. I team is researching a proper fix.

    In the meantime here is what I did to get mobione installed and running on our test THRUSAR!! environment.

    Manual Uninstall
    As you already know the uninstaller will not run. So apply the big hammer approach.
    Open File Explorer to your Users\THRUSAR!!\Documents directory and manually delete all MobiOne files and subdirectories

    1) Run the latest MobiOne installer (ver 2.2.2)
    2) Change the installation directory to C:\MobiOne
    3) complete the installation process

    MobiOne should run for you as well as the uninstaller from this installation location.
    Apologies for this inconvenience and the timespan get you a workaround.

    #331517 Reply


    Ok, so I deleted the MobiOne files one by one.

    First time I tried to do this, on several files, I was told that some of the files were in use and so could not be deleted. So I restarted my laptop and began deleting them one by one again.

    I manged to get rid of them all. I re-installed 2.2.2

    See the screenshot below to see where I have installed the files. I believe I have done this as per your instructions. However, when starting MobiOne, I now get the strange message in the 2nd screen short below. The program does not run.

    #331552 Reply



    Thanks for that last screenshot. From what I can tell you did not remove all of the old mobione files as the configuration is still referencing the old problematic directory.

    Let’s try this,
    1) Please run the mobione uninstaller
    – verify that the Programs menu does not contain a mobione program or that the mobione menus are empty
    2) goto your home directory and delete the .mobione\ directory
    3) Reinstall to the c:\mobione directory again
    4) launch mobione and have fun

    My thought is the uninstaller (step #1) will clean up any bad configuration files.

    #331556 Reply


    It looks like i’m in business now!

    Thank you, Wayne/Octavio!!

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