
Retina Display support

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  • #328475 Reply

    I recently bought a new Mac Book pro with “Retina Display” and the MyEclipse fonts looks ugly.

    A quick search took me to eclipse bug 382972. I have tried the suggested workaround, but it doesn’t have any effect.

    Are you planing to have a new release with support for “retina display” ? Is there any workaround that we (my eclipse users) can use.

    Version: 10.5
    Build id: 10.5-20120615

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by support-tony.
    #328518 Reply



    MyEclipse users using a MacBook pro with the new Retina display could experience display issues due to the incorrect rendering of fonts and other related problems. This is an Eclipse issue which affects MyEclipse and all other Eclipse based applications.

    The bug report you pointed has couple of relevant suggestions. Can you let us know exactly which one you have tried or did you try all the suggestions and they did not work for you?

    Any resolution in MyEclipse will have to wait for resolution in Eclipse.

    Sorry for inconvenience.

    #328525 Reply

    Dear my eclipse staff,

    Thank you very much for your quick answer.

    Accoring to the bug report that I have mentioned (382972 ), I have tried the following :

    Test 1
    1.1)Edit the Info.plist
    file: /Applications/MyEclipse/MyEclipse 10.app/Contents/Info.plist

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
    <plist version="1.0">

    Please note that I added the suggested content at the end of the xml


    1.2) After restarting MyEclipse the problem still appears (fuzzy fonts)

    2) Test 2
    2.1) Edit Info.plist
    (same content of Test 1)

    2.2.) Copy the Directory /Applications/MyEclipse/MyEclipse 10.app/ to /Applications/MyEclipse/MyEclipse 10-copy.app/
    2.3) Remove the directory /Applications/MyEclipse/MyEclipse 10.app/
    2.4) Rename MyEclipse 10-copy.app/ to MyEclipse 10.app/

    According to the bug report this should clear the “cached” Info.plist. I have tried the aforementioned steps without success, neither from the “console” nor from “finder”.

    I understand that this is not a problem related directly to MyEclipse, but a consequence of the high resolution display. However, it would be very nice if there is a workaround. I’ve seen similar problems on other applications and most of the times there are workarounds.

    Tks for your help!

    #328572 Reply



    Thank you for the details. I have escalated it to a dev team member. They are looking into the issue.

    Sorry for inconvenience caused.

    #328590 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    I’ll take over working with you to find a workaround to the display issue on the new retina displays. However, although I’m a long-time Mac user I have to point out that I don’t have a retina display with which to test. So, unfortunately, I’ll have to ask you to do a bit more of the leg work than I’d normally do. Sorry in advance for that.

    First, I need to point out that we need to make a few changes to the workarounds you tried in the plist file. The way MyEclipse installs, there are actually two .app files. There’s the top-level one that you found and then there’s actually the “real” .app file within it. I’ve attached a screenshot to help show where the one that actually gets run is located.

    Basically, you need to try the same workaround to the internal .app’s plist file — the plist file within myeclipse.app as shown in the screenshot. You’ll note that this plist file has many more entries than the outer one.

    For tests 1 & 1 (below) please run a COPY of the internal .app file (myeclipse.app) after making the changes to its plist. The reason for the copy is mentioned in the Eclipse bug report here.
    1.) Can you make the same edits that you did in Test1? Did it change the results?
    2.) Can you change the NSHighResolutionCapable flag from <true/> to <false/>. What did that do?
    3.) When you installed MyEclipse, which option did you select? Carbon 32, Cocoa 32 or Cocoa 64 bit?
    4.) Can you look under your System Preferences > General. Note the two bottom preferences “Use LCD font smoothing when available” and “Turn off text smoothing for font sizes XX and smaller”. Can you experiment with those settings to see if they have a postiive or negative effect?

    Once we’ve tried the above and know the results, hopefully we’ll get this figured out.

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    #328746 Reply


    Hi Scott,

    I am having the same issue and I tested your suggestions without success. I installed the Carbon version of MyEclipse 10.

    The only thing that partially worked was copying the internal myeclipse.app file to /Applications and modifying its Info.plist.

    After these steps, once I launch it I can see the Eclipse fonts are rendered correctly for the retina display, however MyEclipse won’t launch due to “The Myeclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library”.

    I have tried to rename the /Applications/MyEclipse folder and the /Applications/MyEclipse/MyEclipse 10.app folders and when I launch MyEclipse I can see the retina display fonts, however MyEclipse won’t start due to errors. In both cases the error is Java exit code 13 and the /Applications/MyEclipse/MyEclipse 10.app folder is recreated with the Contents/Profile subfolder.

    I have successfully used the workaround in the Eclipse bugzilla report for other Eclipse instances, but this does not seem to work in MyEclipse, possibly due to the particular folder structure that MyEclipse is configured to use. Eclipse instances copied directly to /Applications can more easily be renamed and so the Info.plist caching issue can be circumvented.

    It seems that once MyEclipse is installed and launched for the first time the missing NSHighResolutionCapable key in Info.plist is cached indefinitely. A possible workaround would be to try to modify the Info.plist after installing MyEclipse but before launching it for the first time, but I have not tested this.


    #328748 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    First, thanks for testing on the new Macs so we can get a good workaround prior to the MyEclipse 11 launch.

    I installed the Carbon version of MyEclipse 10.

    I believe all the workarounds are only supposed to work with Cocoa anyway. So perhaps installing the 64-bit Cocoa version would yield better results here.

    The only thing that partially worked was copying the internal myeclipse.app file to /Applications and modifying its Info.plist.

    I have successfully used the workaround in the Eclipse bugzilla report for other Eclipse instances, but this does not seem to work in MyEclipse, possibly due to the particular folder structure that MyEclipse is configured to use.

    You’re exactly correct here — you CANNOT copy the myeclipse.app file to any other location and expect it to work. Our installation is quite specific and multi-tiered and as a result the files must continue to remain where there were installed.

    It seems that once MyEclipse is installed and launched for the first time the missing NSHighResolutionCapable key in Info.plist is cached indefinitely. A possible workaround would be to try to modify the Info.plist after installing MyEclipse but before launching it for the first time, but I have not tested this.

    This is a very interesting hypothesis. If you wouldn’t mind trying a 64-bit Cocoa install of MyEclipse 10.6 it would be interesting to see if modifying the info.plist prior to first launch (but not making a copy or moving myeclipse.app) will solve the issue. Great idea!

    #328870 Reply


    +1 for a retina support 🙂

    If testers needed or more information is required for the developers for this systems let me know and I could help too

    #328887 Reply


    Just a headsup.. guess i got it working 😀

    I changed the Info.plist that is on the top level of the MyEclipse.app, then I changed the one within the Contents/Profile

    Same drill, right clicked, show package contents, edited the info.plist to add the line to support retina, created a copy of it, deleted the myeclipse from within the profile folder, and then renamed the copy to myeclipse… After that I just launched the MyEclipse10.app and it worked great 🙂

    Hope that helps other devs that are eager to put on good use the retina displays of our expensive babies

    #328902 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Thank you VERY much for the followup to let us know what the final solution was! I’m sure this will be a big help in the next few months as people continue to upgrade to those SWEET retina display MacBook Pro’s.

    I’ll make this thread “sticky” so others can have a little easier time finding it.

    #329170 Reply

    Thank you very much for your help. I managed to make it work by following the suggested steps. Here is the summary for the future warriors:

    1) Open the Info.plist that is on: “/Applications/MyEclipse/MyEclipse\ 10.app/Contents/Profile/myeclipse.app/Info.plist”

    Please note that there are two Info.plist file. The first one is right bellow “My Eclipse\ 10.app”, editing this file doesn’t have any effect

    2) At the bottom of the xml you need to add (before closing the xm):


    After editing the file should something similar to (tail -10 Info.plist):

    <!-- WARNING:
                    If you try to add a single VM argument (-vmargs) here,
                    *all* vmargs specified in eclipse.ini will be ignored.
                    We recommend to add all arguments in eclipse.ini

    Note: Even if you are used to the console, you need to use “Finder” for the following steps
    2) You need to copy the directory “/Applications/MyEclipse/MyEclipse\ 10.app/Contents/Profile/myeclipse.app/” and paste it
    At this point you will have something similar to:
    /Applications/MyEclipse/MyEclipse\ 10.app/Contents/Profile/myeclipse.app/
    /Applications/MyEclipse/MyEclipse\ 10.app/Contents/Profile/myeclipse.app\ copy/

    3) Remove the directory “my eclipse.app” (Yes you need to remove the original!)
    4) Rename the directory “my eclipse.app\ copy” to “my eclipse.app”
    5) Enjoy programming on your “retina display”!

    #329174 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    I just wanted give a bit “THANK YOU” to our retina display pioneers who worked with us to document the workarounds in this thread. This was truly a great community effort and we really appreciate it.

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