
Sample of Picture zoom in same windows

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  • #313336 Reply


    Hi all,

    I post there a great sample of picture zoom inside same page.

    Wayne, please could you help me to optimize the code to put all JS code into the custom_js file to be clean regarding your understood architecture. I am not very powerfull about usage files of mb1 (Technical doc !!)

    Thanks for your help, and I hope this one will help you

    #313420 Reply


    I took a look at the code and it would be great to have an idea of how this example is supposted to function. I noticed references to traditional desktop browsers such as IE4-6/NS4-6 code and would rather not mess with such code that may not work on the much more advanced smartphone browsers. I’m game for porting some desktop code but need to see it in action first.

    Genuitec Mobile Team

    #313429 Reply


    Just click on the picture to zoom

    Works, but like I said before need to optimize may be….

    Merry Christmas

    #353592 Reply


    Could you send me your mobione example of “how to picture zoom inside same page”? I also need to zoom a picture. Since this site is shutting down, send it to paul at quickplanning dott com
    Thanks very much,

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