
Spring Plugin Not working

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  • #672757 Reply


    I have a CODEMIX engine and when I try to add STS plugin and the eclipse is crashing
    Can you please guide me on this?

    #673117 Reply



    Sorry that you are seeing this issue.

    Can you please try starting Eclipse with -clean command args, switch to a new workspace and check if it fixes the issue?
    You can add -clean as first argument to the eclipse.ini file located in the Eclipse installation directory or run the executable from command line using : eclipse.exe -clean The clean is a one time flag, you can remove it once Eclipse starts successfully.

    If you are still seeing problems, then please share the .log file located at workspace dir/.metadata/.log along with Eclipse version details and STS plugin version details to help us investigate further. While sharing the .log file, rename the extension to .txt and attach it here.

    Apologies for inconvenience caused.

    Genuitec Support

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