
WebBrowser Selection Not Working Properly

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  • #222694 Reply


    In the preferences for MyEclipseIDE, under Internet Tools, the web browser section allows a user to select which browser that pages should be displayed in by using the selected browser configuration. I use FireFox for most of my development. However, when I create a configuration for that particular browser and select it as the default browser to use, if there is a script error on the page, I get an Internet Explorer Popup window discribing the error, not a Mozilla Firefox one.

    So, does this mean that IE is being used to disply the pages? And if so, does this also mean that HTML and JSP Preview is using IE instead of the Browser that I chose?

    #222704 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Most likely the preference is being ignored due to the requirements of the SWT Browser widget that is used by the MyEclipse “Web Browser” view to present pages. The SWT Browser widget (AFAIK) wraps specific browser functionality on each platform:
    Windows: IE
    OS X: Safari
    Linux: Mozilla

    I believe that preference is intended to ‘popup’ an external browser if it is selected, but it doesn’t seem to be working right now. Naturally the workaround is just to keep the browser open yourself and just use refresh to refresh the dev pages.

    I know there are some more changes to the SWT Browser widget comming in Eclipse 3.1 release that will make it more flexible with different mozilla versions and I believe it will support firefox; hopefully that will allow us to make this preference function as you would expect it to and/or fix the popup behavior if necessary. I have filed the issue for investigation.

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