
RAML Editor

RESTful API Modeling Language (RAML) has become a popular way to define RESTful web services. Our RAML Editor includes features designed to save time and reduce errors when editing RAML files. 

Using the RAML Editor

RAML files ramliconare listed separately in the REST Web Services node. Double-click a RAML file or endpoint to view it in the editor. The editor includes syntax coloring, default formatting and syntax validation. As you edit the file, press Enter to begin the next line with the same indent as the previous line. Press Tab to increase the indent or Shift+Tab to decrease the indent.

Save the file to update the Outline view. If the file contains errors, the first error encountered is marked ramlerror in the margin of the editor. Hover over the icon for details.

View and edit RAML files with the RAML Editor

Additional Resources

Understanding RAML—An informative blog including a use case and sample project

RAML tutorial—A tutorial to guide you through conceptualizing the design o.f a basic API and writing it in RAML.