
Types of Software Collections

You can add extra software to your package to enhance the development environment. There are standard add-on libraries from Eclipse Discovery and Java that are included in SDC as available add-on software. You can also import third-party add-on libraries to be included as available extra software.

When you select add-on software to be available extras, the software is exposed and can be included in packages or in a Secure Marketplace catalog. When your users install the package, updates from those extra software add-ons can be applied to their environment. When you make add-on updates available, they come through the delivery hub to users rather than from an external source.

Secure Marketplaces

SDC’s Secure Marketplaces give your end users the flexibility to install add-on software from a catalog that is securely accessed from behind your firewall. Because administrators can specify the software available in the catalog, you are able to control access to software, thus creating a marketplace catalog of approved add-on software.

Not only can secure marketplace catalogs be used with software packages you create and distribute using SDC, but you can include Secure Marketplace catalogs in on-demand delivery packages for use with Eclipse installations that aren’t managed through SDC.

When software is added to the third-party software library by an administrator, the software update site is mirrored on the delivery hub machine. When administrators configure a Secure Marketplace catalog, they select software available from the third-party software library. With this configuration, when users select software from the secure catalog, they access only the delivery hub for installation and updates rather than accessing a site outside your firewall.

Secure marketplace catalog

Software Packs

You can view details about all available software packs by selecting Software Packs under Software Collections in the Admin Console navigation. Your MyEclipse software includes standard software libraries from Eclipse Discovery and others by default. All software from these standard libraries is exposed as possible add-ons to your packages.

Managing standard libraries

On the Software Packs page, the software packs you have installed appear in the Libraries section and the versions of these libraries appear in the Library Versions section. When you select a version in the Libraries section, you can view the exposed software for the version and the installable units.

Third-Party Libraries

Licensed or free third-party software can be added to packages. You can create and manage libraries by selecting Third-Party Libraries under Software Collections in the Admin Console navigation. Add a library by specifying a software site URL, and then you can select specific software to expose as an extra software add-on. The exposed software in a library can be added to any package or to a Secure Marketplace catalog.

Administrators can add third-party software library details to simplify software selection by administrators and end-users. Third-party software details include software branding, titles, and descriptions.

Managing third-party libraries

The installable units for the exposed software appear on the Library Contents tab in the All Installable Units section. The units are listed for informational purposes only. You cannot edit the installable units because SDC uses this information to maintain provisioning integrity when transitioning from one library version to another. To import a new version of a library, the new contents must expose new (or different) versions of the exposed installable units you chose during the initial library import.

Third-party software Library Contents tab