
Using DevStyle Breadcrumb Navigation

Easy navigation through your workspace is not a mere dream—just follow the breadcrumb trail.

DevStyle is available as an Eclipse plugin and is also included in MyEclipse.

Also available in CodeMix & Angular IDE.

Enabling DevStyle Breadcrumb Navigation

Including a Breadcrumb bar is optional when using DevStyle.

  1. Go to Window>Preferences>DevStyle>Color Themes.
  2. Select the Enable Breadcrumb checkbox.

    Enabling the DevStyle breadcrumb bar

  3. Click Apply, and then click OK.

Using Breadcrumb Navigation

The Breadcrumb bar allows you to quickly navigate through your workspace and open files for editing. The “crumb trail” that led to the file displayed in the Source Editor is shown in the Breadcrumb bar. Click on any crumb in the trail to navigate to a different resource in your project. For example, if you are editing a Java class, it’s very easy to open other classes or packages within the project. Or, for web projects, quickly jump between the various folders and html files in the project.

  • Showing the Breadcrumb bar—Click the ddbreadcrumbbutton Breadcrumb Toggle button on the main toolbar. This button toggles the Breadcrumb bar to show or hide.
  • Hiding the Breadcrumb bar—Click the ddbreadcrumbbutton Breadcrumb Toggle button on the main toolbar or right-click from the Breadcrumb bar and select Hide Breadcrumb.

DevStyle was introduced in MyEclipse CI 2018.8.0 and the 2017 CI 9 release of Webclipse (now CodeMix) and Angular IDE.