
3.8.4 struts design mode [Closed]

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  • #226478 Reply

    jason poley

    I have been having issues with 3.8.4 visual mode for struts-config. (eclipse 3.0.1)

    if an action gets deleted, i have no way of adding it back?
    I cant add it, because it says it already exists.

    also it doesn’t support any other action classes (like my own) or well known ones (like stxx http://stxx.sf.net ) for XSLT. (this should be configurable)

    this makes it very hard to use.


    #226506 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    if an action gets deleted, i have no way of adding it back?
    I cant add it, because it says it already exists.

    Please provide a step-by-step example so I can reproduce your problem here and file a bug for it. Additionally if you want to add a node back to the graph that you removed, just use an “Existing Class” for the action and point at the class in your project, then the node will be readded to the diagram and no new classes will be created.

    also it doesn’t support any other action classes

    The “ActionClass” combobox in the wizard is editable, additionally you can select an “Existing class” to use for the node… does this not work for you?

    #226519 Reply

    jason poley

    found it… and restart fixed things

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