
Access to MyEclipse 8.5 components?

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  • #311945 Reply


    My team is currently using MyEclipse 8.5, we are not allowed to upgrade to new versions until a good time is chosen when all projects are stable. I recently discovered a need to add another server component to my installation, but have discovered that the software installer only has access to MyEclipse 8.6 components.

    1) How can I get to the MyEclipse 8.5 components?
    2) Why doesn’t MyEclipse provide access to older components? Virtually every other software package we use does, e.g. Eclipse. Why not have a page of previous versions archive sites?

    #311962 Reply



    What is the ME 8.5 component you are looking for? Can you answer below details –
    1. Open MyEcipse IDE, from menu options click on MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details.
    2. How did you install ME? Meaning all-in-one installer / pulse / archived update site on top of eclipse classic?
    3. What is the ME 8.5 component you would like to add to your ME profile?

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