
Add Icons to Media Palette

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  • #311869 Reply


    Add Icons to Media Palette

    The MobiOne Design Center includes a Media Palette containing over 50 professional icons for your use. You may add additional icons for use when building user interfaces by following these simple steps:

    0) Optional: Download 1 or more professional iPhone-ready icon sets
    [url href=”http://glyphish.com”%5Dglyphish.com%5B/url%5D
    [url href=”http://www.pixelpressicons.com”%5Dpixelpressicons.com%5B/url%5D
    many more just a google search away….

    1) Setup your icons in a directory on your file system

    2) Open Settings Dialog
    From Design Center menubar choose Windows>Settings to open the Media Palette Settings

    2a) In the Settings Dialog select Design Center > Media Palette in the tree to view the current Media Palette icon categories

    3) Open New Media Compartment Dialog and Define New Compartment Details
    Choose the Add button to begin creating a new palette compartement. This will open the New Media Compartment Dialog

    3a) Fill in the New Medial Palette Compartment fields and select Finish to complete the process.

    Title: name of the new compartment
    Directory: path to directory containing images
    Theme: the background color (BLACK, BLUE, WHITE) of the compartment

    4) Using your new Media Palette Icons
    Your new media compartment will appear at the bottom of the Media Palette. Select the compartment label bar to expand or collapse a compartment

    See attachment flow80.png

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    #315962 Reply


    ok well to add more icons to media palette . thanks very much .

    but how to play video using this plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Thanks for quick reply

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