
ant: generate entities and DAOs

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  • #288695 Reply


    Is there and ant task I can use to run the ‘generate entities and DAOs’ process? If there isn’t an ant task is there some way to automate the process? If neither option exists today would you consider this as a feature request?


    #288719 Reply

    Loyal Water

    This option cannot be run as an ant task. Can you give me some more information about what you mean by you would like this process to be automated.

    #288753 Reply


    Hmm, It seems to me there is some process compiled into eclipse or a stand-alone process. There are also some inputs. In my case I would like to always run the process against all of the tables in a specified schema. And there are options like I do/donot want an interface generated, etc. So, it seems to me it should be possible to generate an ant task and bundle the task with myeclipse. I add a table or two to the db. Write some code to use the table data. Use ant to compile the code. Debug the code. And repeat. Just would be nice if ant could gen the jpa source as part of the compile process.

    #288764 Reply

    Loyal Water

    I’ll make a note of this as a feature request and move this thread to the Feature Request forum so that other users can vote in favor of this request as well.

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