
App Deployment on Oc4J disappears

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  • #248819 Reply


    I have been using MyEclipseIDE with Oc4J. Configured app server connector, can start, can debug, everything works.

    However the deployment of my applications (I have three EAR applications that are deployed) sometimes “disappears”, I notice first that my development changes are not reflected when I debug, I click on “Deploy” button and sure enough the deployment is just not there, I have to manually redeploy.
    This seems to happen randomly but more when I turn off my computer for the night and come back the day after to continue.

    Very annoying not to mention a drag on productivity, we have a team of 5 people using this environment and all of us expereince the same problem.

    Please help


    #248897 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Would you and your team be able to upgrade to MyEclipse 4.1.1 and restart using the -clean command line argument and see if the problem persists? We thought we nailed this problem a long time ago, it *is* very frustrating.

    #248965 Reply


    Do I just install it over previous version?

    #249000 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The best way is to use the update manager (Help > Software updates > find and install). If that doesn’t work you can do an uninstall/reinstall, but don’t simply install an upgraded copy ontop of the old install, that’s a sure fire way to kill your install.

    #249045 Reply


    Ok, I updated, I ll let you know if the deployment still disappears

    #249621 Reply


    The problem is still here
    How can we fix this?


    #249630 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Try the following:
    1) Remove all your deployments. Shut down MyEclipse using File > Exit. Now restart it using the -clean command line paramtere. Now recreate your deployments.

    Now try and pay close attention to what you are doing and HOW you are shutting down MyEclipse to see if the deployments are getting removed. Are you “Closing” and opening the projects a lot, or are they always open and you are just shutting down Eclipse? Are you killing the process often, Hibernating the computer with Eclipse open or doing a normal Windows shutdown?

    #249655 Reply


    I will, I ll let you know

    In general I almost never close my projects, I have about 5 projects constantly open and I just shut down Eclipse.
    Also I usually do normel Windows shutdown.

    I do kill the Oc4J fairly often in development using red button on Eclipse “Console” view

    #249748 Reply


    I verified – same error keeps happening
    Please help – this is really annoying

    #249752 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Could you read this documentation page on deployments and the rules around them to see if any of the basic assumptions are being violated in your development process:

    You’ll note that it lists several instances that can cause the behavior you’re seeing. I’d just like you to see if any of them seem to affect you.

    #249757 Reply


    I have read this document before and I dont think that anything is violated.

    I have EAR files deployed in expanded form and often the deployment just “disappears” – I notice that when I code the changes are not reflected.

    Where is the deployment information stored? Is it in mymetadata some place? How can I troubleshoot this.

    #249776 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    There is a big-bang clean-install step we can do to try and remedy this, is that something you are willing to try? (you can reimport all your settings and everything, so it’s not that time consuming).

    #249782 Reply


    Ok. At this point I am willing to try.
    I had this problem before 4.1, I already installed 4.1 hoping that it would go away.
    It did not

    What do I do?

    #249801 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    First backup your existing workspace, then follow these instructions: http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-10272.html

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