
App Designer seeking App Programmer to get Rich With

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  • #341077 Reply

    Hello Everyone. My name is Christopher. I’m a Pro at Coming up with & Designing Original, One of a Kind Apps in MobiOne. But as far as getting them to work, I need a Business Partner / Programmer to Finish what I start.

    I have 2 Apps I’ve developed. After I built App #1, a similar app to it sold for 2.3 Million, and somebody stole the Idea, and I have since Sued and shut them down.

    App #2 is potentially a Multi-Million Dollar Idea. I had secured Venture Capitol and was on my way to being featured on ABC’s Shark Tank, when A Billion Dollar company announced they are developing something similiar, and every investor backed out. Now, I am attempting to do everything myself. If I can get my apps built SOON, I may be able to make us both rich.

    If anyone out there reading this is Interested in a rare opportunity to get a piece of a Million Dollar company by simply finishing what I have designed, then please get a hold of me ASAP.

    If you doubt anything I have said, then sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement, and let me change your mind. My E-Mail is mailto:IdeaBrainChild@Gmail.com & Phone # is 330-274-4128.

    Let’s make some money!

    #341104 Reply

    Unknown Author

    “One of a kind,” indeed…You’ll never make back your lawyers fees. My advice? Go buy a book on Javascript programming. It’s really not all that hard.

    One more question: If you’d already secured venture capital, why were you going on Shark Tank? To get more…? Doesn’t make a lot of sense.

    #341106 Reply

    It took SharkTank a month to get back to me after I first e-mailed them. Besides, wouldn’t you want to be on TV?

    #341135 Reply

    Unknown Author

    I have been on television; in America, in the UK and in Japan. It’s really not all it’s cracked up to be. Everything depends on your editor.


    #341136 Reply

    True. The editor would probably only show the parts where I get stumped. My Investor actually loved the idea. It’s (almost) free publicity. Marketing is Expensive, and i’m Broke.

    #342218 Reply


    Interessed in someone outside US ?

    If so the Non-Disclosure Agreement is not a problem for me.

    We have already some NFC products in market and other apps.



    #344790 Reply


    If you’d already secured venture capital, why were you going on Shark Tank? To get more…?

    #344898 Reply

    @dingdong wrote:

    If you’d already secured venture capital, why were you going on Shark Tank? To get more…?

    No. Just for (almost) free publicity.

    #345772 Reply


    In the UK and in Japan. It’s really not all it’s cracked up to be. Everything depends on your editor.

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