
Audio Widget – Do Something After Playing

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  • #334953 Reply


    This is the code you will need to do something when the media you set is finished playing. I know Support is working on a doc but it was greatly needed for my music player.

    Here we go:

    //Set our media to an mp3 file
    $("#m1-wmms-audio1-player").jPlayer("setMedia", { mp3: "http://fileurlstring.mp3" });
    //Play our media
    //Set an on ended event using the jQuery bind
     $("#m1-wmms-audio1-player").bind($.jPlayer.event.ended + ".jp-repeat", function(event) { // Using ".jp-repeat" namespace so we can easily remove this event
       //On Ended do this
    alert("Song Has Ended");


    #342795 Reply


    I used this code but nothing happen after sound finished playing.
    is there change already?

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