
Breakpoints in JSP includes

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  • #196615 Reply

    Just wondering, is it supposed to be possible to debug JSPs which are statically included <%@ include file=”incLoginCheck.jsp” %> or can one only debug the main jsp file? Thanks!

    #196616 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Basically, yes. For the servers that support JSP debugging (Tomcat 5, WebLogic 7 & 8) this should work just fine. Are you seeing something different?

    MyEclipse Support

    #196623 Reply

    Yes I am sadly. If I set a break point within the included jsp file, it is ignored. However, the breakpoints I set in the main file that includes the jsp file, those work. I’m running with Tomcat 5

    #196625 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    I just verified this with Tomcat 5 and you’re correct. Breakpoints in included jsp’s are not being hit. There appears to be an issue with associating the line with the include class. I don’t know if this is a problem with Tomcat 5’s JSR-045 implementation or ours, but I’ve entered it as a defect so we can get to the bottoom of it for the GA release.

    Thanks for reporting it and sorry for the inconvenience.

    MyEclipse Support

    #196957 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    The GA release (v2.5.0) partially addresses this issue. You can now set breakpoints before any included JSP’s and when you execute a “step over” on the include line, you’ll be taken through the include file. However, this only works on Tomcat 5 and Bejy Tiger, not on WebLogic due to the way it creates its source maps.

    MyEclipse Support

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