
Bugzilla search ignores proxy

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  • #224339 Reply


    After installing MyEclipse 3.8.4 (3.1 Beta) on Eclipse 3.1M4 I tried out the new Bugzilla Search tab in the Search dialog box. It seems it is by default setup to contact bugs.eclipse.org.

    I didn’t succeed in contacting this site and an inspection through Ethereal revealed that MyEclipse tries to contact the https port directly, ignoring my setup for proxy in java.exe startup properties, eclipse preferences and myeclipse preferences.

    Environment is Windows 2000 and Sun J2SE 1.4.2_07.
    Proxy server is M$ with NTLM auth only so I am also setting
    as startup property (update manager, xml dtd loading etc is working fine).


    #224365 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I am asking the BZ dev to take a look at this.

    #224423 Reply

    Kapil Kapre

    @mikewse wrote:

    After installing MyEclipse 3.8.4 (3.1 Beta) on Eclipse 3.1M4 I tried out the new Bugzilla Search tab in the Search dialog box. It seems it is by default setup to contact bugs.eclipse.org.

    I didn’t succeed in contacting this site and an inspection through Ethereal revealed that MyEclipse tries to contact the https port directly, ignoring my setup for proxy in java.exe startup properties, eclipse preferences and myeclipse preferences.

    Environment is Windows 2000 and Sun J2SE 1.4.2_07.
    Proxy server is M$ with NTLM auth only so I am also setting
    as startup property (update manager, xml dtd loading etc is working fine).


    At the moment proxy support has not been implemented. The bugzilla plugin is a new addition to ME and we are working to make it more robust/usable. Sorry you had to run into this.
    – Kapil

    #224436 Reply


    No worries Kapil,

    I don’t depend on this feature, it is mainly an annoyance as it hangs my Eclipse for a while if I happen to click the Bugzilla tab. I just wanted you (and the community) to know about this bug.

    BTW: What is the reason that MyEclipse keeps its own proxy setting and doesn’t use the Eclipse setting?

    Best regards

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