
Clear out disk space on server

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  • #335938 Reply

    Fredrik Lindqvist

    I’ve run into disk usage problems on my SDC server. While I wait for more harddrives to be allocated to it, I looked at the file structure to see where the problem is.

    I tried to add an update site to SDC but it failed due to the disk issue. But it seems like the temp file is still there in directory /usr/local/secure-delivery-center/Data Files/work/uploads/temp

    Shouldn’t that be automatically removed when the upload failed?
    Can I manually delete it?

    In directory /usr/local/secure-delivery-center/Data Files/artifacts/promoted-packages it seems to contain the promoted packages I have, but there are twenty or so of them, despite I only have three promoted packages. Arent the packages I delete actually deleted?

    (on a completly separate matter, the captcha system you have on this forum is the most annoying captcha I have ever encountered. Its very difficult to use even as a certified human…)

    #335984 Reply



    Fredrik it is ok to delete the file under /usr/local/secure-delivery-center/Data Files/work/uploads/temp I will fill an internal PR to look on this issue while running out of disk space. Regarding the promoted-packages directory, that allows you to know exactly what went into previous promotions.

    We will keep an eye on the kaptcha and try to improve 😉

    Best Regards
    SDC Support

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