
[Closed] MyEclipse crash

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  • #256451 Reply

    I have now twice gotten a very bad Eclipse crash
    (me being in the debugger view – on a breakpoint).

    The workbench just crashes, and nothing is even logged in the [workspace]\.metadat\.log file.

    I just get a dialog like this:

    |  Eclipse                                                                        |
    |  C:\WINDOWS\system32\javaw.exe
    |  -Xms384m                         
    |  -Xmx512m                   
    |  -XX:PermSize=128M
    |  -XX:MaxPermSize=256M
    |  -os win32
    |  -ws win32
    |  -arch x86
    |  -launcher D:\Java\Eclipse\eclipse-32\eclipse.exe
    |  -name Eclipse
    |  -showsplash 600
    |  -exitdata 814_134
    |  -vm C:\WINDOWS\system32\javaw.exe
    |  -vmargs
    |  -Xms384m
    |  -Xmx512m
    |  -XX:PermSize=128M
    |  -XX:MaxPermSize=256M
    |  -jar D:\Java\Eclipse\eclipse-32\startup.jar
    #256481 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    What Java version is in system32? I’d recommend using the -vm commandline arge to be sure you’re getting an up-to-date JDK:
    eclipse.exe -vm <path-to-jdk>\bin\javaw.exe

    Early versions of 1.4.2 and 1.5 were quite buggy wrt the debugger. The latest 1.4.2 and latest 1.5.0 is what we use internally and haven’t encountered any issues.

    #256495 Reply

    @support-scott wrote:


    What Java version is in system32?

    I am running Eclipse on 1.5.0_07, but have several JDK’s installed, so I added the commandline you suggested to be sure.

    @support-scott wrote:

    [….]Early versions of 1.4.2 and 1.5 were quite buggy wrt the debugger. The latest 1.4.2 and latest 1.5.0 is what we use internally and haven’t encountered any issues.

    Hmm, MyEclipse just crashed on me again, and this time I did not use the debugger…
    I think I’ll try to reinstall Eclipse + MyEclipseIde from scratch to be sure my setup is correct.

    #256593 Reply


    When the JVM crashes it outputs a crash log, something like hs_err_pidXXX.log. This should be located in the same directory as your Eclipse.exe file. If you can locate this file, post the contents here so we can have a look.

    #256661 Reply

    @support-greg wrote:

    When the JVM crashes it outputs a crash log, something like hs_err_pidXXX.log. This should be located in the same directory as your Eclipse.exe file. If you can locate this file, post the contents here so we can have a look.

    No such file there, so unless the file has been automatically deleted by me restarting or something like that, the file has never been created….

    #256671 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Did anything get written to your log file before the crash, maybe an OutOfMemoryException? (<workspace dir>\.metadata\.log)

    If so, try these switches to help: http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-10280.html

    #256935 Reply

    Nope, I had a new crash just now, and nothing was written to the log for at least 90 minutes.
    – and of course no hs_err*.log file.

    I just upgraded my JDK to 1.5.0_08 and my nVidia drivers to the latest supported version,
    so I’ll just have to continue using ME and see what happens.
    – (I am running ME on WinXPx64 and have been experienceing errors wrt the nVidia drivers at certain combinations of JDK and driver)

    #257887 Reply


    I have the same problem MyEclipse 5.0.1 GA and eclipse 3.2
    on windows xp sp2
    ME keeps crashing from time to time, before it a message appears showing the memory configuration, but I already define it, and sometimes it says has low memory?

    Also I have a lot of trouble in linux Open suse 10.1.

    Hope you can help me.


    #257890 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Go to MyEclipse > Show Heap Status, notice the new little bar chart on the bottom right of your screen. Try and see which features you are using that are causing the memory problems.

    Pay close attention to:
    1) Visual designer
    2) Matisse4MyEclipse
    3) UML
    4) Image editor
    5) Spring bean editor

    If you see the bar spike after working with any of those tools or soon there after get a warning that information will help us know where to look. Also please try it on both windows and SUSE to let us know.

    #257892 Reply

    @support-rkalla wrote:

    Go to MyEclipse > Show Heap Status, notice the new little bar chart on the bottom right of your screen. Try and see which features you are using that are causing the memory problems.

    Pay close attention to:
    1) Visual designer
    2) Matisse4MyEclipse
    3) UML
    4) Image editor
    5) Spring bean editor

    If you see the bar spike after working with any of those tools or soon there after get a warning that information will help us know where to look. Also please try it on both windows and SUSE to let us know.

    I am not using any of these tools, but still got a lot of crashes.

    After installing JDK5_08 I haven’t gotten any ME crashes so far. I will post again if crashes also occur on JDK5_08.

    #258256 Reply

    @keb wrote:

    I just upgraded my JDK to 1.5.0_08 and my nVidia drivers to the latest supported version,
    so I’ll just have to continue using ME and see what happens.
    – (I am running ME on WinXPx64 and have been experienceing errors wrt the nVidia drivers at certain combinations of JDK and driver)

    The problems are now definitely gone, so the combination of upgrading JDK to 1.5.0_08 and upgrading to the latest nVidia beta drivers for Win XPx64 really made my day 😀

    #258282 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    We are glad to hear it, thank you for following up.

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