
Context-Menu (Right-Mouse-Click) disappears immediately

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  • #252251 Reply

    Hi all,

    i like matisse for myeclipseide, but i have issues: i want to rename a tab of a JTabbedPane. I have to use the Context Menu (right mouse button) on the matisse form to do that, but: the context menu shows up for only 50ms and disappears immediately after that. The same over the matisse palette and the matisse outline. in the eclipse package explorer the context menu works as it should. any ideas what this could be? i am using Eclipse SDK 3.1.2, MyEclipse 4.1.1 ant matisse feature com.genuitec.myeclipse.matisse

    thank you in advance
    — felix gonschorek

    #252265 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This could be a focus issue, after right clicking the focus is being sent to the component and stealing it away from your menu. What version of the JDK or JRE are you running Eclipse with? Correcting focus issues in the JDK have been a big item for many JDK releases.

    #258502 Reply


    I am having the same issue, although I am running Eclipse 3.2 on top of JDK 1.6 Beta 2, and the 5.0 version of MyEclipse.

    #258505 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Try upgrading to JDK 6.0 build 98 from the JDK 6 download site and see if that helps change the issue. I personally ran into a lot of little bugs with the Beta 2 release of the JDK.

    #258510 Reply


    Well, that got it working somewhat, but it still takes a little finnagling (sp?) to get the context menu to come up. Honestly I’m not sure if this solution would have worked on the previous JDK release or not because I never tried it. I am up to b98 now though.

    When I open Eclipse it is already in the Matisse perspective and my form is displayed. When I right-click the button on the form, no menu is displayed. I then click the “Events” or the “Code” tab in the Properties window (it defaults to the Properties tab). After that when I RC the button on the form, the context menu appears properly.

    I guess whatever works, works. 🙂 Thanks.

    #258512 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    There is still some fine tuning going on in JDK 6 w.r.t. to event delivery so I think that is what is going on here. Either way i’m glad to hear it’s acting atleast better.

    #264436 Reply


    I am having this exact same problem, and I cannot find any way to get around it. I am using Eclipse 3.2.1, JDK 6.0 (released), MyEclipse 5.1 GA, all MyEclipse web updates applied, Windows XP SP 2.

    I see there has been no response to this for quite a while. Was there any resolution on how to get the context menu to appear for longer than a flash in the Outline view?

    #264437 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Our appologies, this got covered in quite a few different threads at the same time so the answers are spread out.

    You need to go to your Help > Software Updates > Manage Configuration screen, then disable JST from your Eclipse/WTP install, restart, then disable WST. These plugins will then be loaded from MyEclipse instead (which is what is causing the problem).

    #264493 Reply


    Well, I found a reference to:

    J2EE Standard Tools (JST) Project 1.5.2v20061111


    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 5.1.0 / MyEclipse Base Platform Support 5.1.0

    but when I select it, there is not option provided to disable it. I was unable to find any other reference to something with JST in it.

    Futher, I am also having problems with the Workbench getting hung up after I drop a few components into a panel. So something very bad is going on here.

    Let me know if I have misunderstood your instructions. I am new to Eclipse, so keep that in mind. 🙂

    #264495 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Let’s start off with a clean install of a best-case setup of MyEclipse. Can you go to our download area, and download the All-In-One installer for Windows, install it to a brand new directory and run it, pointing it at your existing workspace then see if it functions as expected?

    Also please keep in mind that we don’t test on Java 6 yet, so some of the problems, like hangups during component development, can be due to that.

    #264523 Reply


    Ok, that seems to have done the trick – everything seems to be working now. Although I experienced one thing that has me scratching my head…

    I am running MyEclipse at 2 different sites. Both are Windows XP machines.

    When I installed the full stack at Site1, the Mattise product installed out of the box. I did the updates (from the MyEclipse category), and it loaded all the applicable updates at once. A final search for additional updates yielded a response that none were available.

    At Site2, the Mattise product did not install out of the box. I first searched for updates, and it took me several iterations to get them all. In fact, at this point everytime I search for updates, it shows me one final update each time, even though I try to install it each time and get no apparent error. The update is: Eclipse Project SDK 3.2.1r321_v20060801-tQ1w49KnTArT0FZ. But to get the Mattise product, I had to search for new features in the MyEclipse area to add it to the mix.

    I can assure you that the full stack installation at both sites started from an identical configuration (wrt the MyEclipse install). That is – I first uninstalled the previous version of MyEclipse and deleted the separatedly installed Eclipse directory. Then I ran the full stack installation program.

    Need I be concerned about any of this (particularly the update that won’t install)?

    #264525 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    When I installed the full stack at Site1, the Mattise product installed out of the box.

    Matisse, much to the confusion of many, doesn’t come installed out of the box with any version, so I’m not sure why this seemed this way.

    At Site2, the Mattise product did not install out of the box.

    Sounds OK…

    Need I be concerned about any of this (particularly the update that won’t install)?

    It could just be a harmless cache state not registering the update… check under MyEclipse > Installation SUmmary > Installation Details… does it say Eclipse 3.2.1?

    #264668 Reply


    It could just be a harmless cache state not registering the update… check under MyEclipse > Installation SUmmary > Installation Details… does it say Eclipse 3.2.1?

    Yes it does – and there is even an entry for the Eclipse Project SDK update that won’t go away. Oh well, things seem to be working.

    BTW, what are your plans to support the Java6 SDK?

    #264672 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    A lot of users are using it anyway, but we’ve had a handful report some squirlyness with it when using certain features. So we don’t recommend it yet, but for the most part it seems to be a great release.

    Also note that I am talking about running MyEclipse with java 6. You can code your projects with Java 6 no problem, there is nothing stopping you from changing your project settings to actually use it.

    #264854 Reply

    Johan Kenens

    Unfortunately I have the same problem. I’m currently downloading the AllInOne package. This will take some time…isn’t there any other possible solution or explanation in the mean time? Reinstalling is so boring… 🙁

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