
Database plugin recommendation

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  • #198036 Reply


    I have been using DbEdit – http://www.geocities.com/uwe_ewald/dbedit.htm – for some time now with Oracle, Sybase and MySQL. Main features are:
    – nice table views
    – sql editor
    – table/schema export
    – live data editing

    It’s the last item that I find most useful for quick data edits, which I haven’t found in other db plug-ins.

    It hasn’t been updated for a while, but I’ve had no problems with it. Perhaps inclusion in MyEclipse could provide some impetus to the author.

    Keep up the good work with MyEclipse – I’m a satisfied customer.


    (P.S. Any release date for the planned Resin support?)

    #198039 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Thanks for the heads up on DbEdit. Database tools will be the focus of an upcoming release so we appreciate the feedback.

    (P.S. Any release date for the planned Resin support?)

    I don’t have an exact date other than to say it will most likely be the next server we add, based on demand. However, it was first on deck for the 2.6.0 release but got bumped a spot when Jetty 5 started supporting JSR-045. We just can’t say no to source-level JSP debugging. 🙂

    MyEclipse Support

    #198362 Reply

    John Harris

    First, I must say that MyEclipseIDE enhancement for Eclipse is an extremely good enhancement. I liked it so much I sent in my membership money. Good work.

    My question, do you have a timeframe when DB Tools might be released for MyEclipseIDE?


    #198363 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    I liked it so much I sent in my membership money. Good work.

    First, thank you very very much. 🙂

    My question, do you have a timeframe when DB Tools might be released for MyEclipseIDE?

    Looks like they’re being targeted for the next minor release in the late Sept / early Oct timeframe. Be sure and get your “desirements” posted to the Feature Request threads that relate to this topic as the evaluation / design work has already begun.

    MyEclipse Support

    #199894 Reply


    look for the plugin called JFaceDbc, I dig it…

    #199896 Reply

    Mark Walker

    For what its worth I would perosnally recommend QuantumDB.

    #199908 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    I like Quantum too, but unfortunately it is licensed as GPL, which makes it incompatible at this point. If there were a way to get a special LGPL or CPL license for it then we’d be able to consider it.

    MyEclipse Support

    #199918 Reply

    Mark Walker

    I like Quantum too, but unfortunately it is licensed as GPL, which makes it incompatible at this point.

    Darn, I just <i>knew</i> there had to be a catch.

    #200136 Reply


    @scott wrote:

    I like Quantum too, but unfortunately it is licensed as GPL, which makes it incompatible at this point. If there were a way to get a special LGPL or CPL license for it then we’d be able to consider it.

    I’m talking to the other Quantum developers about this.

    #200286 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    I’m talking to the other Quantum developers about this.

    And you did a wonderful job. Quantum is now licensed as CPL, according to the updated project page. Thanks BC! 🙂

    MyEclipse Support

    #200301 Reply


    I’m partial to dbEdit myself. It might be rough around the edges but I just like the way it works especially with the view of tables that looks like a spreadsheet. DBEdit has my vote for sure.

    #201302 Reply

    I’ve tried both Quantum and DBEdit (though I’ve downloaded a Quantum around half a year ago or so) – my vote is DBEdit for sure. It’s much more smoother (Quantum had more rough interface and exceptions poping around – though it could as well be some alpha or beta)

    #210357 Reply

    I absolutely love MyEclipse, it is a great tool and I am enjoying working with it. Needless to say a great value for my membership money.

    I would however like to see a graphical interface to create entity beans , i mean one should be able to select the columsns/tables/relationships in database explorer and teh tool should take care of all entity bean specfic code generation.

    This will enhance teh developer productivity many fold.

    Great work guys !

    – Ash.

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