
Debugging Tomcat applications

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  • #319561 Reply

    Pete Helgren

    I have an application that invokes another application deployed to the same tomcat instance. The “other” application isn’t one that I have created but I DO want to debug a portion of that application since my application is called FROM it.

    I know how to debug an application that I am developing in MyEclipse, just set the break point and run it. But what if it is another application that has been deployed to Tomcat? Is it possible to debug it as well?

    I have the source for that application, I just don’t know how to attach the source to the jar since that jar resides in a webapp outside of the MyEclipse environment but INSIDE the tomcat server instance invoked by MyEclipse.

    I hope this makes sense. It is a general “how to debug a Tomcat application” question but in this particular case that Tomcat app is deployed to the MyEclipse Tomcat instance I am running. I just want to see the application that calls my app from it.


    #319576 Reply


    phelgren ,

    You can add the external jar for the application to the project you are developing, attach the source and then double click on the class in the jar that you want to debug, and add the breakpoints.

    Let us know if you have any other issues.

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