
Dependent WebProject jar deployment

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  • #227574 Reply

    Aleš Perme


    I have a web project which depends on several other non web project (pure java backend jars) and one project which is itself a web project on its own. The main web project must also include classes (jar) from the other web project.

    Now, I am using this deployment options in MyEclipse-Web/Deployment tab:

    Web Project Dependent Project Deployment Policy
    -Jar dependent projects and place in the ‘lib’ directory

    Library Deployment Policies
    -Jars in Web Project’s user library
    -Jars exported by dependent Java projects

    All jars which are in non web projects are picked up and copied into lib directory in the deploy destination. All but one – the other dependent web project jar.

    The main web project has a reference to the other web project under project Properties/Project References just the same as it references other non web projects.

    Where is the catch?


    #227590 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Where is the catch?

    Dependencies on non-plain-Java-projects is not supported by the deployment tool, we realize that we need to popup a warning to this effect and have that on our TODO list, another user pointed out how it wasn’t informative enough and the information is buried away in docs instead of in the program, easy to find. We agree and appologize for this.

    There is no quicky fix to this situation, what you have done by putting common code into your Java projects is good, that is what we would have suggested, but needing classes out of your other Web Project will require either copying them over with an Ant script, or if you can JAR them from the Web Project, then include that JAR as an “External JAR” in the main Web Project’s classpath and the rule for deploying external JARs will handle copying that out. Sorry for the iffy workaround, we are hoping when we completely revamp our build path model and deployment facilities in 5.0, things like this will no longer be an issue, just merely another “module” on the build path.

    #253804 Reply


    after pulling my hair out for a few hours trying to figure out why my dependent project wasn’t being deployed, I just saw discovered this post. with all due respect to myeclipse, which I am an avid user of, it’s been over a year since this post and there is still no popup warning to this effect. I am willing to wait till 5.0 to get the actual feature, but the warning is a must.

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