
deviceready on Android: CLOSED

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  • #339335 Reply


    I’ve been trying to build a cordova app with the new myeclipse tools (formerly used mobione). But not matter what I do, I do not ever get the deviceready even on Android (it works find with iOS). Has anyone experience a similar issue? My trial period is about up and I’m trying to determine if I want to go ahead an purchase a license for myeclipse, but I need to be sure I’ve solved this and it will work for my needs. It fires in the emulator, but never fires while testing on a Galaxy SIII or Kindle Fire. Any suggestions would help.

    #339338 Reply


    Thanks for sharing this issue with us. We are looking into it now. Regarding your trial license expiration we will provide you an extension if needed. Please send the request to sales at genuitec dot com.

    #339439 Reply


    So is this an isolated issue? I’ve tried creating multiple basic applications and deploying them to Android devices and still haven’t gotten the deviceready event to fire. Is it possible there is something wrong in my setup that is affecting how these are being built?

    #339467 Reply

    Hi bisskut,

    There was an accidental glitch in the build system’s configuration. It is fixed now, please give it another go and let us know if it works for you now.

    #339516 Reply


    Thanks! That did the trick. It’s all working as it should now.

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