
Does MyEclipse support JSP tag files

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  • #221817 Reply

    Paul Baker

    Does anyone know if myeclipse supports tag files that are being introduced in JSP 2.0? When I enter the “another tag file example” found at: http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/javaserverpages/JSP20/

    MyEclipse reports Unknown tag (tag:display). Should this example work within MyEclipse? Are there any special settings that are required?

    Happy Holidays… and thanks in advance. Paul

    #221818 Reply


    The JSP validation supports and understands JSP 2.0 tag files. However, the in-editor annotations don’t yet have support for these files. So the <tags:greetings /> tag will show up as an unknown tag, but when you save the file, the jsp validator will ensure the greetings.tag file exists.

    I’ll check with the dev team on the status of JSP 2.0 tag file support in the editor.

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