
Does Myeclipse6.0 ship with Oracle Thin Driver classes12.zip

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  • #292260 Reply



    Does Myeclipse6.0 Hibernate plugins ship with Oracle Thin Driver classes12.zip.?

    if not how can I dynamically Link This library during RunTime when I package whole application as *.war and deploy under tomcat deployment directory \tomcat\webapps.

    Bottom Line I would like make this APP point to Oracle home directory C:\Oracle\ora92\jdbc\lib instead of shiping as part of WAR File (C:\tomcat\webapps\accesspoint_ws\WEB-INF\lib) so that I can make this APP independent of Database.

    Any advice would be appreciated.


    #292412 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    MyEclipse does not ship any database drivers. You would need to download this driver from Oracle. Please note that classes12.zip is also a very old driver, and you should use the ojdbc* series of drivers unless you have other constraints, like needing to run on JDK 1.3.

    Once you put this driver in the lib folder of your web project (WebRoot/WEB-INF/lib) it will be added to your project’s build path and deployed with your application.

    Bottom Line I would like make this APP point to Oracle home directory C:\Oracle\ora92\jdbc\lib instead of shiping as part of WAR File (C:\tomcat\webapps\accesspoint_ws\WEB-INF\lib) so that I can make this APP independent of Database.

    I’m afraid I could not follow your question, please elaborate.

    #292821 Reply


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