
Dynamic panel

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  • #330882 Reply


    It is a good idea to have Dynamic Panel widget in mobione studio with it is related actions like Hide Panel and Show panel according to it use , this will help us save building more NO need pages, like think if I like to show a small map that will be related for a bottom, I then do not need to build a separate page for the Map but just add a Dynamic Panel that will be hidden until the Bottom is pressed and again do an action for it to be hidden again, and it will help so much for another subjects.
    Thank you

    #331062 Reply

    Hi Aiad,

    Thanks for your feedback, I’ve shared your idea with dev team to consideration. Have you any mockups or other visual info to make sure we understand the idea fully?

    #331064 Reply


    The dynamic panel widget is a stack of states or diagrams that contain other widgets. The panel can be hidden, shown and moved. And the currently visible diagram can be set dynamically. This allows you to demonstrate functionality in your project like custom tooltips, lightboxes, tab controls, and drag and drop., I hope you gut my point.
    Thank you

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