
EJB 3.x tutorial problem

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  • #313179 Reply



    I am trying to run the EJB 3.x tutorial here:

    I have gone through the steps, and am stuck trying to get the test client to run. Is there some special way it needs to be invoked? I am running the test client as a regular Java Application from within the MyEclipse IDE.

    I have Glassfish 2.2.1 as my application server and have the appserv-rt.jar added to my project, just like it says in the tutorial.

    The application has been successfully deployed to Glassfish per the tutorial. When I go to the console at http://localhost:4848, I can see the MyBean EJB deployed under EJB Modules.

    However, when I attempt to run the test client, I get an exception. Note that during the startup of Glassfish, I see:
    ThreadName=main;|**RemoteBusinessJndiName: com.mytest.ejb3.MyBeanRemote; remoteBusIntf: com.mytest.ejb3.MyBeanRemote|#]

    Here is the exception I am getting:
    javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: com.mytest.ejb3.MyBeanRemote not found
    at com.sun.enterprise.naming.TransientContext.doLookup(TransientContext.java:216)
    at com.sun.enterprise.naming.TransientContext.lookup(TransientContext.java:188)
    at com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialContextProviderImpl.lookup(SerialContextProviderImpl.java:74)
    at com.sun.enterprise.naming.RemoteSerialContextProviderImpl.lookup(RemoteSerialContextProviderImpl.java:129)

    Here is the code I am using for the client:
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
    InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
    MyBeanRemote bean = ( MyBeanRemote) ctx.lookup(” com.mytest.ejb3.MyBeanRemote”);
    } catch (NamingException e) {


    Thanks for your help!

    #313182 Reply


    An update here: I figured out the problem:
    I cut and pasted the client code from the tutorial.
    If you look closely, there is a space between ‘ctx.lookup(“‘ and ‘com.mytest.ejb3.MyBeanRemote’

    When the space is removed, the problem goes away.


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