
Errors found!

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  • #534615 Reply


    First, good job angular IDE team for your fast responses and fixes. I enjoy using Angular IDE alot and I have found some bugs I think.

    The First Throws an error, the second one doesn’t.

    import { IShop } from 'app/shared/services/shops.service';
    import { IShop } from './../../shared/services/shops.service';

    The below shows this error, “Identifier ‘dealer’ is not defined. ‘T’ does not contain such a member”.

          <tr *ngFor="let dealer of dealers" >

    I’m getting a warnign here of: Multiple annotations found at this line:
    – Invalid location of text (@) in tag
    – Invalid location of text (@) in tag

    <div class="master" [@slideInOut]="show">

    #534683 Reply



    Thank you for your compliments. I will pass them onto the dev team.

    import { IShop } from 'app/shared/services/shops.service';
    import { IShop } from './../../shared/services/shops.service';

    Angular projects by default use project relative paths for imports. You can configure the tsconfig json in the project to use absolute paths for imports. Right click on the project > Properties > TypeScript and check which tsconfig json is selected. By default, tsconfig.app.json (config file for angular app) will be selected.

    Edit the tsconfig.app.json and set the baseUrl property in the compilerOptions. By default the baseUrl is set to nothing which means that all of the module imports will be relative. You can set the baseUrl to “.” which says “aside from relative paths, look at the . (base) directory as well. You can also set the baseUrl to “app” or “src” or “/src” as per your requirement.

    “Identifier ‘dealer’ is not defined. ‘T’ does not contain such a member”.
    This is a known issue and a bug is already filed for it. We will keep you posted when the fix is out.

    – Invalid location of text (@) in tag

    Thank you for reporting it. I have filed a bug for the dev team to fix this validation issue.

    Apologies for inconvenience caused. Please let us know if you see any other issues.

    MyEclipse Support

    #534873 Reply



    Setting baseUrl property in the tsconfig json to nothing i.e “” is a bug in our tooling. The dev team is working on it. I hope the workaround to set the baseUrl to “.” worked for you.

    Sorry for inconvenience caused.

    MyEclipse Support

    #536813 Reply



    Our latest release, CI 8 includes support for absolute module paths. Please update to CI 8 from Help > Check for Updates and let us know if you see any issues when working with absolute module paths.

    MyEclipse Support

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