
Files location question [Closed/Duplicate]

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  • #216023 Reply

    Marcio Lima

    I’m not sure if is this is a bug. I’m using myeclipse 3.8.1 with Windows XP.

    When we use Hibernate, struts ou JSTL capabilities with a web aplication MyEclipse import all the necessary librarys and put then in the root location of the project instead of /lib. I know that after deploy, all that jar’s will be placed in the correct locarion: /lib, the problem is that when myeclipse import’s all that librarys to the root of project cause a dificult to organize and visualize the components of project. How to organize this situation? How config myeclipse to organize the jar’s files in the lib folder?

    Thanks in advance

    #216042 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    THis post is a duplicat of:

    where a reply was given. Please use the other thread for any followup

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