
Flipping Book

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  • #330573 Reply


    Hi, I need to build a book apps for iphone/ipad, i need it as FLIPPING BOOK, is possible to do that whith Mobione studio? if not so what is the best senario to build a BOOK apps with mobione studio?
    Thank you

    #330620 Reply



    We are not too deep in book app development. There are different approaches and formats that you should research. You can layout some basic pages with mobione but if you are developing a book I would focus on the formats and publishing software. MobiOne is more tuned to building traditional multi-function, biz and consumer apps. Books are a different animal. But having said that OC and I have started looking into book content dev and may be able to discuss it soon.

    #330627 Reply


    OK, I found a Basic way building Books and my users are satisfied with it, but to achieve this goal there are 2 important elements:
    1: swipe function so that they can easily swipe between pages.
    2-Image zoom so that they can zoom small images and become bigger for easy look,
    so I hope with mobione studio would be able to do that and if not any scenario or tools will help me?
    Thank you

    #330686 Reply

    Hi Aiad,

    >1: swipe function so that they can easily swipe between pages.
    Mobione does not provide a generalized swipe action for screen transition at this time.

    >2-Image zoom so that they can zoom small images and become bigger for easy look…
    Please see next thread about where has been discussed the pinch & zoom topic: http://www.genuitec.com/support-genuitec/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=3445

    #330699 Reply
    #332293 Reply


    I have used kvisoft flipping book software to create flip book on iPad. You can try it.

    #332296 Reply


    Hi and thanks, I wanna know if you have used the book on a Mobile web App or as a Native App, if so how you have included the Html files within your Apps?
    Thanks Aiad

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