
Formatting Options

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  • #607379 Reply


    Is there a way to change the formatting of code with CodeMix, like which lines brackets appear on or if I can change spaces to tabs?

    #607405 Reply



    You can customize the formatting settings and the spaces to tabs or vice versa here : Window > Preferences > CodeMix > Settings > Workspace Settings

    For customizing formatting settings, in JavaScript or TypeScript or html, you can type javascript.format (html.format/typescript.format) in the filter box and you will see the list of all the available settings for inserting spaces and braces position. Set them to ‘true’ or ‘false’ as per your requirement. If you want to format on save then set the ‘editor.formatOnSave’ to true (default setting is false). Attached is the screenshot for your reference.

    You can set the editor.insertSpaces to false to convert it to tabs. Type ‘editor.insertSpaces’ in the filter text and set it to false. By default it is true.

    You need to also set editor.detectIndentation to false (by default it is true) as it detects the editor.insertSpaces based on your file contents when you open the file.

    Hope this helps. Please let us know how it works for you.

    Genuitec Support

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    #607433 Reply


    Thanks! That helped clear it up.

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