
How do you change the web-root once it’s been set?

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  • #259838 Reply

    When setting up my project, I accidentally allowed the project root to be the web-root. I want to define a “WebRoot” folder in the project root for this purpose. However, I cannot find a way to do it and I don’t want to start the project from scratch. Is there a way to do this?

    I found old release notes that indicate that this might have been a feature at one time but that it might have been removed. The release was “Release 2.8.0 Beta-1” and the fix I saw was labeled “482: Remove user revisable web-root from web-project properties”.


    #259890 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    You need to manually edit the .mymetadata file in the root of your project, you are exactly right we used to allow it, we should be adding it back shortly.

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