
how to create a JSP, Form bean, and Action class?

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  • #218570 Reply


    I’m running Eclipse, MyEclipse, and Struts. Where can I find documentation on how to create a JSP, Form bean, and Action class?

    I understand how to create the J2EE Web project, add Struts capabilities, and where to right-click to bring up the wizard. That’s where I get stuck.



    #218594 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Definately start with the 2nd demo here: http://www.myeclipseide.com/ContentExpress-display-ceid-16.html and watch the other Struts demos if you want to learn more. The Struts tutorial should be done and QA’s by Thursday, sorry for the delay.

    #218693 Reply


    The Struts tutorial should be done and QA’s by Thursday, sorry for the delay.

    Thanks Riyad … I’m looking forward to reading it. I viewed the flash demo and was able to get farther. The Form bean and Action class got created, but for some reason the JSP didn’t get created.


    #218695 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    To create the JSP page, make sure (when in the Form wizard) to click the “JSP” tab and hit the checkbox “Create JSP Page”, otherwise it won’t get created.

    Also the Struts doc has made it through QA and should be up here any day now: http://myeclipseide.com/ContentExpress-display-ceid-67.html

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