
How to SAVE user inputs in android app: CLOSED

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  • #329902 Reply

    Hello. I am new to this, and need help.
    I am wanting to create a page similar to the one attached, where a user can input their animals name, data & save it, and won’t lose it/reset it on exiting the app.
    Can anyone help me with step-by-step information please? Keep in my mind I have NO coding knowledge.
    I have created an app with simple screens, but no real functions. It is in Google Play & I would love feedback on how it looks so far.
    ‘Know Your Horse’.

    #329903 Reply

    #329916 Reply


    Please see this Local Storage Demo where you can learn more about this request.

    #329917 Reply

    Thank you, I will it give a go tonight.
    Does this function require the app user to be connected to the internet, or will it save to the phone?
    I want my app to be usable without a connection to the internet, as a lot of users where I am have horses in remote areas where there is no service (Rural/country Australia)

    does this work for iOS & Android apps?

    #329918 Reply


    Using localstorage the data will be saved on user’s phone. But will be only avail on each phone. Does this function cover your app’s need?

    #329920 Reply

    yes, the information will be user specific, only to that particular phone.
    that way the user can save & update their information on their own phone, and access it when they need it.

    just looking at the link you suggested, and trying to work it out – am completely out of my depth here, but will try it.

    are there any easier step-by-step guides, or should i do up the layout of what i want to do, and then post it on here for further advice?

    #329967 Reply

    Hi living.horses,

    I suggest you to download the Local Storage Demo and review it. Then try to port the code for your app, we’ll be glad to helpful if you get stuck with something.

    #330196 Reply

    Hi Octavio,
    it’s all over my head. :oD
    have started a new thread with relevant info @ http://www.genuitec.com/support-genuitec/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=3601
    Thank you again

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