
How to update files outside of project using Eclipse

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  • #251477 Reply



    I have a problem with myEclipse. I have a Struts application set up on the network, and I can import the application source files fine, but what happens is that a copy of the source files are stored within the given workspace. I want to be able to alter the source files and have them save back to the original destination on the network store . I can’t seem to be able to do this. It only updates the copy created in the workspace. Can someone help me ?

    #251494 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev, this is an Eclipse question.

    Is keeping your files under source control out of the question? Working across a network can really be a pain even if it’s a fast network in Eclipse (some folks try to store their workspace across a network and only then do they notice *how* much file activity Eclipse creates, really bogs down development)

    #251529 Reply



    I figured it out. Apparently in setting up a new project for the first time one can actually link to source from a specific directory. My mistake was in actually using the “Import” functionality. What this does in actuality is create a copy of the files in the /workspace folder which is not what I wanted. I wanted the updates performed on the original files.

    #251541 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Glad you got it fixed up, thanks for following up for others in a similar situation.

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