
icon & splash problem

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  • #353887 Reply

    Antonio Raimondo

    we are having this problem from the beginning (now we have the last versione of My Eclipse 2015).
    When we use the remote build the icons and the splash doesn’t change. We are looking for a solution from weeks….
    We tried a lot of things, but nothing…
    If we use the local build the icon and the splash are ok but we have other problems (like we set only portrait but then there is landscape too…) and a lot of other problems.
    So we’d like to resolve the icon and splash in remote and then everything is ok.
    Please help us!
    Thank you,


    #353891 Reply



    Sorry that you are seeing this issue.

    Can you please let us know which version of Phone Gap you are working with? Please also share the MyEclipse Build Id from Help > About section.

    If you are working with PG version 3.6.3,then there is an issue with the config.xml location (by default the config.xml is placed outside of www folder). The dev team is looking into the issue with the PG team.

    As a workaround, please move the config.xml file into the www folder and make sure all the image paths are relative to the www folder.

    Ex : src=”res/icon/android/icon-36-ldpi.png” instead of src=”www/res/icon/android/icon-36-ldpi.png”

    If you use our form based editor after moving the config.xml file into the www folder and reselect the images, it will automatically supply the right paths.

    If you are working with a previous version of PG, please send us the config.xml to help us investigate further. Also share the location of the config.xml and the images relative to your project’s root folder.

    Let us know how it works for you.

    #353896 Reply

    Antonio Raimondo

    Your solution works!
    We use PG 3.6.3 and moving the config.xml into the www folder, every things is ok!

    Thank you so much!


    #353906 Reply



    Glad that it works.
    Let us know if you see any issues.

    #354169 Reply


    i have also desperately needed app for my android.

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