
Illegal DDL comment generated for Postgres

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  • #281162 Reply


    I generated DDL from a table in postgres. The generated DDL did not work. It seems that a single quote in a comment was not properly quoted.

    Here is the DDL from MyEclipse 6.0.1 GA :

        create table "public"."geo_sets"(
            "id"  serial not null,
           "code" int4 not null,
           "set_members" varchar(1024) not null,
           "set_type" int4,
           "description" varchar(100),
            constraint "geo_sets_pkey" primary key ("id")
        comment on column "public"."geo_sets"."code" is 'This is the unique code that summarizes the set members.';
        comment on column "public"."geo_sets"."set_type" is 'Use 0=regions, 1=countries, 2=dma's';
        comment on column "public"."geo_sets"."description" is 'For the UI to display.';
        create unique index "geo_sets_pkey" on "public"."geo_sets"("id");

    And here is the the DDL generated from the same table by pgAdmin III:

    -- Table: geo_sets
    -- DROP TABLE geo_sets;
    CREATE TABLE geo_sets
      id serial NOT NULL,
      code integer NOT NULL, -- This is the unique code that summarizes the set members.
      set_members character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
      set_type integer, -- Use 0=regions, 1=countries, 2=dma's
      description character varying(100), -- For the UI to display.
      CONSTRAINT geo_sets_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
    ALTER TABLE geo_sets OWNER TO postgres;
    COMMENT ON COLUMN geo_sets.code IS 'This is the unique code that summarizes the set members.';
    COMMENT ON COLUMN geo_sets.set_type IS 'Use 0=regions, 1=countries, 2=dma''s';
    COMMENT ON COLUMN geo_sets.description IS 'For the UI to display.';


    #281217 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Im sorry but I’m a little confused here. There is an issue with the postgres generated DDL or MyEclipse generated DDL?

    #281219 Reply

    The MyEclipse generated DDL contains an improperly quoted single quote mark.

    #281252 Reply

    Loyal Water

    I’ll get this checked by the dev team. Thank you for bringing this up.

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