
installation directory question

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  • #300902 Reply

    Robert Varga

    Hi All,

    in earlier times it possibly led to problems if the MyEclipse extension or Eclipse itself was installed to a directory containing a space or was not on the C: partition on Windows.

    What is the current state of affairs on this? Is it going to cause problems if I installed Eclipse 3.4.2 and MyEclipse 7.5 to a non-space-containing path on drive D: on Windows XP Pro SP3?

    Thanks and best regards,


    #300904 Reply



    This is a non-issue. MyEclipse provides users the ability to change the installation path. In case you are worried that your 3rd party software which needs to use absolute path to a non-space-containing path, you can configure your installation directory to have a non-space-containing path.

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