
Intellisense not recognizing tsconfig.app.json paths

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  • #590006 Reply


    I know this has been a question all over many threads. But I am still have a problem with paths.
    In my tsconfig.app.json I have:

    “baseUrl”: “./”,
    “paths”: {
    “@app/*”: [“app/*”],
    “@env/*”: [“environments/*”],
    “@assets/*”: [“assets/*”]

    In my code (test.ts) my import shows an error on the validation and when I do a ctrl space bar, for intellisense the paths are not available.

    import { NGXLogger } from ‘@app/core/services/logger’;

    The only way to get the itellisense to work is put the baseUrl”: “./”, like this:
    baseUrl”: “src”

    However, this creates all kinds of problems for my production build.

    #590092 Reply



    Sorry that you are seeing this issue. It looks like a bug with relative paths. I have escalated this problem to the dev team to take a closer look and we will get back to you soon.

    Apologies for inconvenience caused. Thank you for reporting it.

    Genuitec Support

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