
JavaHelp & Deployment

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  • #288474 Reply


    Having written a java program that I’d like to deliver to others, I need help figuring out:
    1) how to add a help file. I’ve found JavaHelp and HelpSetMaker. Is there a “better” way?
    2) how to make a deployment file: I’ve found fatJar, so I can gather up all the Java bits and pieces into one executable jar, and I think I can make an installation of this (and the rxtxSerial.dll file I need) on a Windows platform using the version of InstallShield that came with Delphi, but how can I deliver the application to Mac and *nix users?


    #288502 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    1. No idea, the only thing I could recommend here is checking Sun’s site and the docs on JavaHelp.

    2. Have you looked into WebStart?

    #288509 Reply

    Ton Huisman

    1) Several helpsystems are available, html or pdf are probably the only platform independent solutions available
    2) Have a look at http://www.InstallJammer.com but any installer would avoid to have (non-standard) FatJar squashing together of files.
    Adding a manifest with main-class and classpath entries in your application-jar resolves the ‘difficult commandline options’ issues, just ‘java -jar application-jar.jar’

    The Installshield version that came with Delphi can only be used to deploy your Delphi created apps (AFAIK), have a look at Inno Setup (www.jrsoftware.org) for a Windows only solution


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