
Jetty 9.3.3 does not Stop

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  • #457267 Reply


    I’m using Version: 2015 CI 16 Build id: 13.0.0-20151021 in Windows 8 64 bit with jdk 1.8 and I launch Jetty 9.3.3 and It works in normal and debug mode, but the Stop function (button) does not work and I have to kill jetty jvm from Windows Task manager.
    Do I have to change anything in Jetty start.ini ?

    #457458 Reply



    I can’t replicate the problem in either Windows 7 or Windows 8, with JDK 1.8.

    Please answer some questions which may help track this down.

    1. Which update of the JDK are you using?
    2. Have you altered the configuration of Jetty?
    3. Did Jetty start up without any errors?
    #457463 Reply


    I’m using jdk 64 bit
    I attached my start.ini (no strange config I suppose)

    Running from bat file

    D:\jetty933>c:\jdk180\bin\java -jar start.jar
    WARNING: System properties and/or JVM args set. Consider using –dry-run or –exec
    2015-11-09 11:33:30.003:INFO::main: Logging initialized @1652ms
    2015-11-09 11:33:30.336:INFO:oejs.Server:main: jetty-9.3.3.v20150827
    2015-11-09 11:33:30.361:INFO:oejdp.ScanningAppProvider:main: Deployment monitor [file:///D:/jetty933/webapps/] at interval 1
    2015-11-09 11:33:49.749:INFO:oejs.Server:main: Started @21400ms

    Eclipse console the same istance running from myeclipse

    WARNING: System properties and/or JVM args set. Consider using –dry-run or –exec
    2015-11-09 11:35:13.653:INFO::main: Logging initialized @780ms
    2015-11-09 11:35:13.914:INFO:oejs.Server:main: jetty-9.3.3.v20150827
    2015-11-09 11:35:13.931:INFO:oejdp.ScanningAppProvider:main: Deployment monitor [file:///D:/jetty933/webapps/] at interval 1
    2015-11-09 11:35:25.326:INFO:oejsh.ContextHandler:main: Started o.e.j.w.WebAppContext@13c78c0b{/minosse,file:///D:/jetty933/webapps/minosse/,AVAILABLE}{D:\jetty933\webapps\minosse}
    2015-11-09 11:35:25.351:INFO:oejs.ServerConnector:main: Started ServerConnector@3b0c3951{HTTP/1.1,[http/1.1]}{}
    2015-11-09 11:35:25.352:INFO:oejs.Server:main: Started @12479ms

    #457464 Reply


    I attache start.ini file renamed

    Thank you

    #457465 Reply


    I copy all start.ini config

    # Jetty Startup 
    # Starting Jetty from this {jetty.home} is not recommended.
    # A proper {jetty.base} directory should be configured, instead
    # of making changes to this {jetty.home} directory.
    # See documentation about {jetty.base} at
    # http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/documentation/current/startup.html
    # A demo-base directory has been provided as an example of
    # this sort of setup.
    # $ cd demo-base
    # $ java -jar ../start.jar
    # To disable the warning message, comment the following line
    # --------------------------------------- 
    # Module: ext
    # --------------------------------------- 
    # Module: resources
    # --------------------------------------- 
    # Module: server
    ### ThreadPool configuration
    ## Minimum number of threads
    # jetty.threadPool.minThreads=10
    ## Maximum number of threads
    # jetty.threadPool.maxThreads=200
    ## Thread idle timeout (in milliseconds)
    # jetty.threadPool.idleTimeout=60000
    ### Common HTTP configuration
    ## Scheme to use to build URIs for secure redirects
    # jetty.httpConfig.secureScheme=https
    ## Port to use to build URIs for secure redirects
    # jetty.httpConfig.securePort=8443
    ## Response content buffer size (in bytes)
    # jetty.httpConfig.outputBufferSize=32768
    ## Max response content write length that is buffered (in bytes)
    # jetty.httpConfig.outputAggregationSize=8192
    ## Max request headers size (in bytes)
    # jetty.httpConfig.requestHeaderSize=8192
    ## Max response headers size (in bytes)
    # jetty.httpConfig.responseHeaderSize=8192
    ## Whether to send the Server: header
    # jetty.httpConfig.sendServerVersion=true
    ## Whether to send the Date: header
    # jetty.httpConfig.sendDateHeader=false
    ## Max per-connection header cache size (in nodes)
    # jetty.httpConfig.headerCacheSize=512
    ## Whether, for requests with content, delay dispatch until some content has arrived
    # jetty.httpConfig.delayDispatchUntilContent=true
    ### Server configuration
    ## Whether ctrl+c on the console gracefully stops the Jetty server
    ## Dump the state of the Jetty server, components, and webapps after startup
    ## Dump the state of the Jetty server, components, and webapps before shutdown
    # --------------------------------------- 
    # Module: http
    ### HTTP Connector Configuration
    ## Connector host/address to bind to
    # jetty.http.host=
    ## Connector port to listen on
    #Connector idle timeout in milliseconds
    # jetty.http.idleTimeout=30000
    ## Connector socket linger time in seconds (-1 to disable)
    # jetty.http.soLingerTime=-1
    ## Number of acceptors (-1 picks default based on number of cores)
    # jetty.http.acceptors=-1
    ## Number of selectors (-1 picks default based on number of cores)
    # jetty.http.selectors=-1
    ## ServerSocketChannel backlog (0 picks platform default)
    # jetty.http.acceptorQueueSize=0
    ## Thread priority delta to give to acceptor threads
    # jetty.http.acceptorPriorityDelta=0
    # --------------------------------------- 
    # Module: deploy
    # Monitored directory name (relative to $jetty.base)
    # jetty.deploy.monitoredDir=webapps
    # Monitored directory scan period (seconds)
    # jetty.deploy.scanInterval=1
    # Whether to extract *.war files
    # jetty.deploy.extractWars=true
    # --------------------------------------- 
    # Module: jsp
    # --------------------------------------- 
    # Module: websocket
    # --------------------------------------- 
    # Module: jstl
    # --------------------------------------- 
    # Module: http2
    # --------------------------------------- 
    # Module: jndi
    # --------------------------------------- 
    # Module: annotations
    #457607 Reply



    Thanks for the information and start.ini file. You have made changes from the default configuration but, even using your start.ini file and update 65 of JDK 1.8, I can’t replicate the problem.

    A couple of more questions:

    1. Try to stop Jetty from the Console view and from the Servers view (the red Stop button, in both cases). Does Jetty stop in either of those ways?
    2. If the problem continues, please clear the error log, reproduce the error and see if there are any associated messages in the error log. If so, please attach the error log. To clear the error log, open the Error Log view and click the red X tool-bar button in the view. To export the error log to another file, click the Export button (the first tool-bar button) in the Error Log view.
    #503014 Reply


    the problem is that you add this param:


    jetty, will create two process and not one as usually.

    If you try to start and stop it from the command line, the problem still persist.

    It’s not a problem reletad o myeclipse.


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