
Jsp tag and Include

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  • #224455 Reply

    Steven Leija


    I’m working on a jsp which has an include:

    <%@ include file=”/common/taglibs.jsp”%>

    this contains all my tag libs, etc.

    So the code complete for the tablibs is not working. Is there a recommended approach for this? I’d rather not import the tablibs as there are like 15 per page.



    #224463 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    <%@ include file=”/common/taglibs.jsp”%>

    this contains all my tag libs, etc.

    So the code complete for the tablibs is not working.

    1) What do you @taglib tags look like? Paste a couple here.

    2) What are your web.xml entries for them look like?

    3) Have you read this? http://www.myeclipseide.com/FAQ+index-myfaq-yes-id_cat-31.html#251

    #224465 Reply

    Steven Leija

    Here’s my entries. No taglib entries in my web.xml


    <%@ taglib uri=”http://struts.apache.org/tags-bean&#8221; prefix=”bean” %>
    <%@ taglib uri=”http://struts.apache.org/tags-bean-el&#8221; prefix=”bean-el” %>
    <%@ taglib uri=”http://struts.apache.org/tags-html&#8221; prefix=”html” %>
    <%@ taglib uri=”http://struts.apache.org/tags-html-el&#8221; prefix=”html-el” %>
    <%@ taglib uri=”http://struts.apache.org/tags-logic&#8221; prefix=”logic” %>
    <%@ taglib uri=”http://struts.apache.org/tags-logic-el&#8221; prefix=”logic-el” %>
    <%@ taglib uri=”http://struts.apache.org/tags-nested&#8221; prefix=”nested” %>
    <%@ taglib uri=”http://displaytag.sf.net/el&#8221; prefix=”display” %>
    <%@ taglib uri=”http://struts-menu.sf.net/tag-el&#8221; prefix=”menu” %>
    <%@ taglib uri=”http://java.sun.com/jstl/core&#8221; prefix=”c” %>
    <%@ taglib uri=”http://java.sun.com/jstl/fmt&#8221; prefix=”fmt” %>
    <%@ taglib uri=”http://java.sun.com/jstl/sql&#8221; prefix=”sql” %>
    <%@ taglib uri=”http://www.opensymphony.com/oscache&#8221; prefix=”cache” %>
    <%@ taglib uri=”http://www.opensymphony.com/sitemesh/decorator&#8221; prefix=”decorator”%>
    <%@ taglib uri=”http://www.opensymphony.com/sitemesh/page&#8221; prefix=”page”%>

    #224466 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    They all look kosher, is this by chance not a Web Project, and instead a plain Java Project? If you right click and bring up the project properties, is there a “MyEclipse-Web” section?

    #224467 Reply

    Steven Leija

    Yep, I see it along with validation and xdoclet.


    #224468 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    1) Are you sure you are using our JSP EDitor. Close all your editors, right click on JSP file > Open With > MyEclipse JSP Editor
    2) Are the files building/validating correctly? Do you see errors in the left margin when you introduce bad code into your JSP pages?
    3) What are the settings on your MyEclipse-Web page? What is your WebRoot set to? Where is the JSP file you are editing in your project hierarchy?
    4) Do you have struts.jar and the other JAR files that contain the TLDs for the taglibs in your build path under the Libraries tab?
    5) If you go into your JSP page, hold down CTRL and click on the @include file, can MyEclipse open the file correctly or does it give an exception?
    6) What are your Eclipse and MyEclipse versions that you are running?
    7) Are there any exceptions in your log file? (workspace dir\.metadata\.log) near the end that pertain to the JSP editor possibly?

    #224861 Reply


    Hi, I am having similar problems to the above. I am using Equinox to first setup the directory and libs. The include tag <%@ include file=”/taglibs.jsp”%> points to jsp right under webroot i.e D:\my_project\web\taglib.jsp.

    5) If you go into your JSP page, hold down CTRL and click on the @include file, can MyEclipse open the file correctly or does it give an exception?
    This produces an exception. Even if I change it to
    <%@ include file=”web/taglibs.jsp”%> i can open it up but it won’t build.


    #224862 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This can most likely be caused by the project not being an actual Web Project, but instead a Java Project, is this the case? Also can you please post all the information we request in the [URL=http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-393.html]Posting Guidelines[/URL] thread at the top of this forum? That will give us some context so that we can determine if this is an installation issue, a configuration problem, or a bug. Thanks.

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