Hi, I am evaluating MyEclipse these days, and I have a weird error on almost all the JSPs of a WebApp, already developed using Eclipse and that is perfectly working in production : each time I use <jsp:include> tags in a JSP file, I got this “JSPRuntimeLibrary cannot be resolved” exception, while I got all the needed classes in my Classpath (i.e. weblogic.jar, in which you can find all the javax.servlet.jsp.* classes), and while in window–>Prefrences–>MyEclipse, everything is configured to match my environment (ApplicationServers and J2EE-LibrarySets-J2EE1.3).
The weirdest thing is that I’ve got another WebApp, which is configured just the same, and in which I can use <jsp:include> without no problem!
Does anybody know what is the problem?
Thanks in advance.