Modern Web Development
Angular 18 and the latest versions of Vue and React are supported by this release of MyEclipse.

Note: In .vue files, you might see duplicate content assist suggestions. To resolve this, go to Preferences > Language Servers and disable the first two Vue language servers, labeled “Vue Language Server” and “Vue Volar Language Server”.
During creation of the above projects using our Wizards, the Terminal+ view would sometimes not accept input if the CLI had questions to ask, ultimately preventing the project from being created – this issue has been addressed.

A number of additional language servers, grammars and extensions have been updated for better content assist, validation and updated language support. These include TypeScript, JavaScript, YAML, JSON, XML, etc. In that same vein, the new Language Server View provides visibility for which servers are active for your workspace.
Under the covers, the Chrome debugger has been updated to use vscode-js-debugger. This replaces the deprecated vscode-chrome-debug framework. You should now have a better debug experience for modern web applications inside MyEclipse. String interpolation for JSON launch parameters is now supported; you can specify these on the Debug Adapter tab of your launch configuration. Like the following example, you can now use variables in the JSON, allowing you to check-in these configurations without system specific values.